• Ch.Twenty One - Better •

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"Ella, it's okay. Let me in", pleads my assistant, Maria. "It can't be that bad"

"It's terrible!", I sob, "It's coming away in handfuls, Mar!"

"Unlock the door and we can discuss how we can deal with it, Ells"

I shakily unlock the bathroom door. Maria steps in and bites at her lip, gazing me up and down with concerned eyes. I hold my hair in my hands, tears pooling in the creases of my skin.

"It's stress, hon", Maria explains, taking the strands from my weak fingers and inspecting them. "We can get you something for this. It's stress", she repeats.

"My hair", I sniff, pulling away another frizzy tuft.

"Leave it alone for now. Don't make it worse", Maria soothes, taking away my hands from my head.

"I'm getting a bald patch. It's already worse!"

"Don't yell! You'll stress yourself out more! Here, wear this", she says, handing me a grey beanie. "I think you've made enough progress in the studio today. Go on home"

"But, Maria-"

"Ella, you're too stressed out. Go home and relax. I'll call to your place later with something for that hair, okay?"

"Okay", I sigh and begin to pack away my things.
My sister ,Indy, is coming to pick me up. She's about five minutes away from arriving but I don't want to go back just yet. A light rain starts to fall.

"Hello, Ellie", I whisper to the sky. "I'm losing my hair"
The rain softly drips onto my skin in response.

I get a call from an unknown contact. I wonder if a fan has somehow managed to get a hold of my number. Answering it was a mistake.

"Hello, Ella", says Katy from the other end.

"Katy? What are you-"

"How's Taylor?"

"Uhh, she's... I'm not sure actually. I haven't been speaking to her"

"Such a shame. I hear she's driving Ed crazy. That magazine, Acrylic? I've taken her place. They were going to give her another cover but since she can barely remember she was on the cover, I get the honour of filling in for her. And I'm going to reveal a couple things. Isn't that great?"

"You wouldn't dare-"

"Oh, but I would. Ever had coffee in The Rooftop Coffeehouse in the Autumn, Ella? It's the sweetest thing"
She takes an obnoxious sip before continuing,
"But not as sweet as revenge. She thought she could outshine me but I'm one step closer to destroying her permanently. I know things, Ella. I know a lot of things"

"Is one of those things how much of a fucking cunt you are?"

"Let's not get bitchy about this, Ella... Oh, too late! Goodbye, Ella"

If only you knew what I was planning, Katy.
I have to get back to that island.

"Hey", greets a voice from a rolled down window. "Jump in, it's raining"

"Thanks, captain obvious"

"Okay, no need to get moody. What's up with you?", Indy asks, her voice much too cheery for my liking today.

"What's not up with me these days?", I sigh.

"Well aren't you just a ray of sunshine and happiness!", she teases. "Do you want to go to Jerry's place? She got a new blender"

"You're inviting me to Jerry's place because she got a new blender?", I ask with a raised eyebrow.

"You like juice", Indy shrugs. "Orange juuuice"

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