• Ch.Three - Settling •

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AN Okay, first of all, I wasn't expecting 100 reads in the first week so um..thanks


"I'm not moving", I protest. I'm standing firmly at the doorstep while Ella is a few feet away on the cobblestone path. She stares back at me unimpressed.

"What are you afraid of? Weren't you all the way down there last week?", she asks as she points towards the end of the path on the edge of the pedestrian street.

"I was drunk! I didn't know where I was or what was going on!"

"Just take one step", Ella encourages.


"Half a step?"


"A tiptoe forward then"

I don't even respond this time and turn back to the front door. It's locked. I sigh and lean my forehead against the wood.

"What are you so terrified of?", Ella asks in an impatient tone.

"Everything! The world! The people in the world! Everything!", I moan.

"Come on, Taylor. Or I'll just leave you here all alone and go myself"


"Ooh, that wasn't very sure", Ella smirks. She's caught me.

"I'll be okay... Go on", I say, slightly looking over my shoulder to see if she's leaving.

There's an unsettling silence. Was she actually serious? Has she really left me all by myself? I turn around to see if it's true. No. Ella's right up here on the doorstep with me.

"Just take my hand", she says with a reassuring smile. I wince and fold my arms. Not today, honey.

"I want to go back inside", I whine and pull at the golden door handles.

"Ellie said you need fresh air"

"What's wrong with the air inside?"

"...Take my hand, Taylor"

"What's wrong with the air inside?", I ask again, more persistent for an answer.

"Well... You can't smell the freshness of the ocean or the warmth of the sun all cooped up in there! Come on, it'll be fun"

"Let go", I say and remove her hand for a second time. But she's not giving up.

"Come here", Ella pushes and claws for my hand. I pull away. She raises a determined eyebrow and tries again. Finally - after a few more objections from me - Ella grasps my waist and angrily begins to drag me towards the path. "You're moving!", she yells.

"Never!", I cry and dig my heels into the doormat.

"Stop fighting me and walk!"

"I'm not going anywhere! I'm staying right here. Ellie was so wrong to choose you as my new suicide watch member, you're horrible!"

Ella pauses and then strengthens her grip on my waist, pulling me with even more force towards the new day. My shoes clatter on the hard ground as we struggle against each other. Her grip on my hips is tight, it's almost impossible for me to remove her fingers from my skin. But still I continue to desperately stop her from taking me away from the safest place I know.

"Just a few more steps, Taylor!", she grunts.

"No! I'd rather be Justin Biebers housekeeper!"


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