• Ch.Twenty - Rain •

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"Taylor Swift was found attempting to jump from-"

"Shocked onlookers witnessed Taylor Swift, trying to-"


I decide to switch off the radio. She's on every magazine, station and newspaper for all the most heartbreaking reasons. I can't bare to listen, knowing that I'm not allowed to help her anymore. And I want to so so badly.
Cara wanted to see me today. I'm curious about what's going to happen. We aren't the closest of friends. Hell, I don't even know if 'friends' is an appropriate word. We're simply just two people who know each other. I don't know that much about her, apart from her modelling and acting career. And it makes me all the more curious.

I've only been five minutes in the coffeehouse and in she steps, right on time. Dark sunglasses, heavy coat, this doesn't look good.
With a small glance around and a nod of acknowledgement she sits herself down in front of me. Not even a 'hello'.

"I'm sorry this was so out of the blue", she says, removing her shades.

"It's okay, I needed something to do today"

"Ellie got you down, too?"

"You know it"

Cara nods and looks at her hands, which rest on the table. She's hiding something. After a few minutes of agonising smalltalk and ordering coffee, she eventually takes off her coat and leans forward a little, ready to reveal the reason she is her. And for some reason, I'm anxious.

"I have something for you", she begins, "and you're not going to like me after I give it to you"

She turns to her handbag and fetches an envelope with my name on it. The handwriting is definitely Taylor's.
With a shaky hand, Cara hands me the envelope. The rims of her eyes are beginning to burn red.

"I stole it", she whispers, "I stole it from you. It was in your dressing room at the VMAs. I'm sorry"

Cara's apologies fade away as I read through the letter.

Dear Ella,

Thank you for taking me here. I'm very scared... no, terrified of what may happen tonight. But I'm glad you're bringing me back to me. Does that make sense? I hope so. I'm writing this quick note just to tell you how thankful I am and that I love you. I don't know how to put it into spoken words yet. I used to be very good at words. And words last longer than paper. Oh well.

You make me happy.

Love, Tay x

I stare up at Cara who's trying to dab at her makeup with a napkin. She truly does seem sorry.

"You hate me now, don't you", she sniffs.

"She was happy", I mumble.

"We had a thing, you see", Cara says, not having heard my words, "I was with her before you were"

"She was happy", I repeat.

"It was only for a month. But I loved her. And I still love her. But I have to let her go because she doesn't love me anymore. She-"

"Cara, why would you keep this from me?"

"Because I'm jealous of you!", Cara says in an angry whisper. "You took her away from me! I was the first to see her begin to break but you were the one who saved her! And I'm jealous of you because you could do things that I wasn't able to!"

She angrily glares out the window, the sun making her tears shine.

"She left because she 'didn't want to hurt me'... But, God... I'd let her hurt me for a hundred life times if it meant I could keep her"

Past Her Insanity - Taylorde (complete)Where stories live. Discover now