• Ch.Ten - Explanations •

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"I think you should stick to tea, Taylor. Coffee could have a... not-so-great effect of you"

I don't even think I have the focus to care about what we're ordering. There's so many people in here. We're hidden away in a booth but it's not much protection at all form wandering eyes. There's so so many people. So so many...

"Uh... Yeah okay...", I mutter. I can't look up. My eyes stay focused on the table mat in front of me.

"Do you need pills?", Ella asks.

"No, I don't think so", I say.

A waitress comes to our table and sets down a few cups and sugars. "Are we ready yet?", she beams. I clench at the table cloth.

"I think we'll just have a tea and coffee, please. And some fruit muffins", Ella orders. I can tell that the waitress has recognised us because she's rooting around at the back of her notepad for a spare sheet.

"I'm kind've a big fan of you guys", she blushes. "Would you mind?"

Ella smiles and gladly signs the scrap of paper. Then she pushes it towards me. I sign my initials instead to just get this over with.

"Wait till I tell my friends!", the waitress giggles. "I'll have your order in just a moment". She then skips off leaving me to release the breath I had been holding.

Ella's phone buzzes. She looks up, wondering if it's okay if she answers. I sit back in response. "Won't be long", she mouths.

"Hello?... Ellie! Oh my god-"

I grab the phone from Ella's hand and place it to my ear. "Ellie?"

"Oh, hello... Tay?", she softly laughs, "Is Ella visiting?". I can feel a pain in my throat. Her voice is so comforting and I can't stand it.

"Oh Ellie, it's been unbearable without you. I miss you so much, you won't believe where I am right now. I made it all the way to New York all by myself and it's terrifying but I remembered Ella's address so I found her and now I'm living with her and I had a photoshoot and an interview with -"

"Woah woah, slow down. Where are you?"

"I'm in New York"

"...How did you get there? Why are you there?"

"Well it's a long story really. Ella had left and I was with Austin. But I missed Ella lots so I decided to find her. And I got up super early and forgot that she wasn't looking after me anymore so I searched the woods. And I searched the hill-"

"A hill?"

"Stop interrupting!", I scold. Ellie simply giggles at my annoyance and I continue.

"So anyway, it was raining. And the woods get very very wet and marshy when it rains. And I forgot my coat and I fell a lot. But I kept looking and looking and then I remembered that Ella wasn't in Rhode Island anymore. So then I took my row boat from the house and paddled away from the Island and to the city"

I quickly gaze up at her from across the table. She's frowning sympathetically with a bit of concern and trying not to tear up. With a little shuffle in her seat she waits for me to finish my story.

Ellie interrupts me for a third time, "New York is like two hours away from Rhode. Surely you didn't take that many taxis"

"Oh I did. I took a few. And then some bus-"

"Bus? Oh good heavens", Ellie grimaces.

"I know!", I agree. "And then I was out of money and I had to find Ella's apartment and I searched for ages for the address and somebody stole my watch. And it rained again and I found Ella and now I'm in a café with very scary people and I'm waiting for tea"

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