• Ch.Eight - Sheets •

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AN So... I think you can probably tell by the title what's going to happen here... Yeah it's that chapter.


Weeks pass. Most of them are long. And most of them are boring. And ever so tiresome. I've grown bored of walks. In fact I've grown bored of almost everything. Ellie leaving has been something that I still can't seem to process. I haven't been able to see her yet. My eating isn't improving and I may need to go to hospital again. I've managed to keep the blades away however. But God, I miss everything about her.

"Hey babe", Ella says as she sits herself down beside me on the couch. "We need to talk"

We need to talk. Either something horrible has happened or something is about to change. Maybe Ellie's dead. Maybe we need to switch up my daily routine a bit. I just don't care right now.

"Go on", I moan.

"...I'm leaving"

I jerk my head towards Ella. "What?"

"You heard me... I know you don't like me anymore-"


"Listen to me. Austin is coming over. He's your new suicide watch-"

"Austin?! I haven't spoken to him in-"

"I know I know. But guess what, Tayor? He never stopped caring about you. He wants to help you. He just didn't feel like you wanted him around anymore"

"And I don't! Just like the rest of my family. I'm a disappointment to them"

Ella sighs heavily, "You are no disappointment. Come on Taylor, this is going to be perfect. You'll be bonding with your family and I'll be out of your life again"

"Why do you keep saying stuff like that?", I ask, aggravated. "Were we really that close?"

Ella stands up. "I'm going to go pack and when I'm done I'm calling Austin to come pick me up"

"Ella!", I call, "Answer me! Why are you so mad that I don't remember you?"

"I'm not mad. I'm just a little upset", she says in a frustrated tone as she ascends the stairs to her guest bedroom.

"But why? God, It's not like we went out or anything!"

She stops, mid staircase. A deeply heart wrenched expression grimaces towards me. Ella turns and continues walking and I hurry after her.

"Why do you feel so attached to me?", I pester.

"I don't know", Ella mutters as she fumbles around with bags and clothes.

I scoff, "You obviously do! Why d-"

"Why do you even want to know? You hate me now anyway!"

"I just need closure on why you're so clingy to-"

"Maybe because we had sex, Taylor!", Ella yells, dropping her bags to the floor with a loud thud that shakes the room.

I freeze. Tears begin to well in Ella's eyes. She draws a shaky breath,

"You slept with me, Taylor Swift. For one damn night. I have seen, touched and kissed every inch of your God damn body and you've done the same to mine", she sobs. "How could you not remember that?... How could you not remember me?"

More angry tears fall down Ella's face. She storms towards me and grabs me by the shoulders, shaking me until my head wobbles back and forth.

"Come back Taylor! Please come back!", she wails, the deepest of hurt on her pretty face. "You love me! You said you loved me!"

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