• Ch.Nine - Runaway •

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"I can't exactly call Austin and tell him to leave can I?"

"But Ella-"

"Taylor... I'm sorry, but the decision has been made. I'm as unwilling to do this as you are to let me... Keep an eye out for me at the VMAs, will you?", Ella says with a wink.

We wait by the front door for my brothers arrival. I can't even cry anymore, I've done so much lately.

"Come here", she purrs and sets her bags down.

I slide into her embrace and kiss at her forehead, having to bend a little so I can reach her lips. Fingers dip into my hair and a hand moves downwards towards my hips.

"You'll visit?", I ask.

"Of course! I'll try my best"

I sigh, "I feel like everybody's leaving me"

Ella gives my face a gentle caressing. "You have my heart, Tay", she whispers. "Hold onto it for me"

There's a knock at the door which interrupts our tender words. Austin is here right on time. Ella opens the door and I place an overwhelmed hand over my heart on seeing my brother after so long.

"Hey, sis", he says with an unsure smile.

"Hello... Austin", I murmur.

"You look beautiful", he comments.

I gulp down a sob and throw myself around him. He laughs and hugs me back, relieved of me reaction. I abruptly let go of him and dust myself down, looking up apologetically.

"I, uh-"

"Hey, calm down. It's alright", Austin smirks.

"I'll leave you to it, you've got all the info", Ella grins and gives my cheek a peck. She takes up her one suitcase and begins to make her way outside. A vase topples over in the living room.

"Meredith!", Austin smiles and heads away from the door.

I quickly kiss Ella while I have the chance and she leans up to my ear. "Don't forget me", she whispers. My heart melts for her words. "Or I'll have to make you 'remember' again. Not that I wouldn't mind that..."

I gasp at her cheekiness and gently push at her shoulder in mock punishment. "I won't forget you. Not this time", I smile.

Ella gives me one more kiss and then steps outside. With a heavy sigh I watch the girl who I claimed I hated finally walk away from my house. It's what I've been wanting for weeks now but not anymore. I just want her to stay. Too late now, Taylor.

"I missed this old girl", Austin says as he steps into the hall holding the fat Scottish Fold. Meredith's arms stick out in front of her and her body dangles as Austin holds her around the chest.

"That's not how you hold a cat!", I giggle, amused by the comical sight.

"Teach me your ways then, Queen of the Cats", he teases.

Meredith growls and slips from Austin's grip. She scampers up the staircase.

"Or not", Austin shrugs. I laugh and feel surprised at how quickly I'm clicking with him. Perhaps we're not as far apart as I thought.

But the thought of Ella now gone is still a sickly feeling. Something that I just know I won't be able to handle for too long...


Sleep. Sleep is something I won't be able to do right now. It's 5am and I'm lying wide awake on my bed, sheets thrown off and TV softly buzzing about something I'm not paying attention to. The room is so hot that I've got two windows open and I'm dressed in only my panties. My hair isn't exactly helping either, acting as a thick mass of warmth at my head. I roll around the sheets, uncomfortably. It's been four days since I left Rhode Island. I'll admit I'm feeling refreshed. Perhaps staying in the one place for too long isn't the best of ideas. I should report it to Ellie.

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