10. Medication

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"You ready?"

I walk out of Kenma's room with his now ironed jersey in my hand. Handing it over to him, he puts it over his head letting it drop down his torso to his hips.

"Thanks." He pats my head and starts walking downstairs, getting his gym bag and waiting for me to walk towards him.

He opens the front door and lets me pass through as he puts on his shoes. He walks out, closes the door and we start making our way towards Nekoma High. We walk in silence. Kenma was playing something on his switch and I was scrolling through Tiktok. There was a light breeze outside, blowing the leaves on the trees and the grass under us as we walked.

A few minutes pass and we set foot inside the school, heading towards the volleyball gym. Kenma puts away his switch in his bag and waves at me as he goes into the boys locker room. I decide to walk inside the gym to waste some time until they were ready.

****(Kuroo's pov)


The door to the locker room opens and Kenma walks in throwing his bag at his feet.

"Took you long enough." I say to him, standing up to grab my deodorant from my locker.

"Y/n took forever to iron my shirt." He answers me

I hum in response. I sit back down and he sits down next to me, leaning his head on my shoulder.

"You okay?"

"Tired. Shut up and let me sleep."

"We have a practice game to get ready for."

"I got ready before coming here for that reason."

"Kenma, we have to warm up too." I look at him. He had his eyes closed and his breathing was getting slower. He looked so small next to me. I found it cute.

"Your eyelashes are long." I say to him

He hums back in response and relaxes into my arm. He looks so peaceful and I'd be an asshole if I told him no. I literally can't say no to him.

"Okay.." I say. "Only until the rest of the team comes."

I start humming a sweet melody, one that he used to sing to me when we were younger, to drown out my parents' arguments. Once I finish the song, I stay in silence, hearing Kenma's breathing.

God I wish I could kiss you.

I just want to call you mine already. I want you with me so bad, it hurts. I wish I could just tell you but I'm terrified. If you could stop being such a hardass all the time and let me in maybe I would know if I had a chance.

Have you not gotten the hints? How do I make him know? Kenma, please...I'm waiting.

The door slowly opens and Yamamoto walks into the room.

"Oh. I didn't mean to intrude." He says standing at the door awkwardly.

"You didn't." I say back. I shake Kenma, waking him up.

He rubs his eyes and stands up, walking to his locker and taking out his medication.

"Kenma you didn't take your meds? You were supposed to take it an hour ago." I tell him

"Nah, if I took them an hour ago, I would be too tired to play." He says.

I swear, I care too much. Notice it. Get the hint. Hint. Hint. Hint.

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