15. All Mine

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Start song at *

Get snacks, your substance and get comfy🥰


"Nah, it ain't like that. It's just a hobby."

"I mean, fuck it. You know, maybe you'd get lucky."

"Ha. Right." Kenma chuckles at me

"I mean, if you're passionate about it, people would think you're genuine right?" I ask

"Well yea, but everyone thinks youtubers are fake."

"Kenma just fuck it. Why are you looking for excuses? If you get paid to play games and entertain people as you do it, then you should make it your job."

"You think people would like me?"

"You have good humor. Plus, you're not bad looking, so it'll work out." I smile at him, trying to reassure him.

"You think I'm cute?" He teasingly asks, his head leaning to the side and his hair falling swaying with it.

"No. Stop." I say pretending to be disgusted.

He laughs. His sweet laugh. Somehow now being more of importance to me. The small things he does now catching my attention.

The way he brushes his hair before going out even though he says he doesn't care about his appearance. The way he plays with his fingers or bites his nails when he's anxious or the way he smiles when he finds a funny meme and shows it to me. The way he waddles when he gets high because of how lazy he gets. I started to pick up on those small interactions he has and have fallen for every single one of them.

It's so cute. He's so cute. Seeing him get flustered over everything to me seemed wholesome. It reminded me why I looked up to him so much.

We were in his room, playing video games. We skipped class, knowing today we'd have subs and wouldn't be easily caught. Kuroo will probably murder us later when he finds out but we were having fun and since we smoked, the anxiety went away. Not giving a fuck about the consequences or caring about our grades. Right now, we had each other to keep company.

I put music in the background as we switched between games once we got bored of them. Doing the same thing with the music.

Kenma mostly beat my ass at Mario kart so I told him to switch games.

Then he beat my ass at Cod in a 1v1, so we switched again.

After a couple of plays, I finally got a win.

"FUCK YES, eat shit bitch!" I spit out at Kenma.

"I still won overall." He says calmly.

"Yea but I'm not talking about overall, am I?" I give him my middle finger and stick out my tongue. Earning one from him back.

A few more plays later, I get bored of the music and change the playlist.

*All Mine - PLAZA started playing. *

"Ahyyyy." I say and stand up to start dancing.

"Nice playlist."

"It's a good song!" I laugh at him, slowly starting to dance to the rhythm of the song. I stand in front of the mirror that was in his room. I look at myself, smiling so big from being faded. I giggle to myself.

I move to the beat of the music. Singing the lyrics that I know. Starting to feel myself, I slowly slide my hands through my neck and my hair as I continue to dance seductively.

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