18. Yes, Sir

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(Your nickname is the way Kuroo has you on his phone(: )


Next time?

Next time????

It's been a week...


Calm down. Where'd the hormones come from? This ain't you...

No, because I wanna touch him. WHY WON'T YOU LET ME.

"You okay?" Kenma asks

"Huh? Oh, yea." I say, snapping out of my thoughts

"Well, you died."

"I did?" I look at the screen, seeing my character dead on the floor being shot at by Kenma.

"You don't usually suck at games."

"I've never been good at games." I spit back.

"Are you nervous around me?" He asks

"Huh?" I freeze up. "What do you mean?"

"After...you know, what happened last week."

"Happened last week?"

What happened last week???


"Never mind." He faces the tv again and starts t-bagging me.

The dance.

"You mean...what happened between us?" I ask.

He looks at me and nods.

"I'm not awkward about it..., if that's what you're asking."

"You sure?"

"Yea yea, I liked it so."

"You liked it?"


I laugh awkwardly, trying to put my words together.

"Uh. Well...it's not like I wouldn't. Like. I mean. It was a hot kiss... because it was you...wait no. that's not what I meant."

"It's not?"

"Well yes, but no. It's cause, I um-"

He smiles at me.

"I liked it too."

My face turns red at his comment and I can't hide with anything. Well fuck.

So how the actual fuck do we get Kenma to agree to date both of us? He doesn't even like hanging around one of us...

Don't trip out. Don't trip out.

Calm down.

You should smoke.

I really should, thank you.

Standing up, I open the window to my room and turn on the fan. I look at Kenma and tell him to come over. He gets off the chair and sits on the bed, closer to me.

He gets my bong from under the bed and gives it to me. I then trade it with a tray, giving it to him.

"You want me to do it again? I didn't bring the grinder."

"Just do it with your fingers." I say.

He huffs at me and starts breaking the good kush.


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