26. 'I'll let you put your minecraft bed next to mine'

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Sorry for the wait! I abducted by aliens and went to the future for a bit but I'm back!! (Present time) :)

(Plot what plot/porn with plot)



A response from my door. A small hum of a response but nonetheless a casual conversation between two people who have fucked and not said a word to each other since.

It has been a week since then. My mom finally getting over the whole 'I drank your alcohol' situation and letting me invite the boys over. However, it's also been a week since everything happened between Kenma, Kuroo, and me. A week of not saying nothing. A week of not mentioning anything. Two weeks of being a girlfriend. Yet, the guys did not say one thing about what had happened.

It got me tense. Worried even. On my toes. It felt weird. Isn't this something we should talk about or was it normal? To just...do and leave? Did they not want to talk about it? I did...at least. Things felt weird...I just wanted to ease out that tension.

"Nice of you to invite me over."

"Well...I finally got released from jail so..."

"You deserved that jail time"

I suck in a breath and sigh, "why did I invite you?"

He laughs, "because you missed me."

"I really did not but okay." I roll my eyes at him. "You want to get high?"

He chuckles at me, closing the door softly. "Already way ahead of you."  He drops down his bag that was hanging on his shoulder to the floor and walks towards me.

I look up at him as he inches in closer, my height being lower than usual due to the fact that I was sitting on my bed and he was starting to hover over me.

His eyes land on mine. A soft look on his face while he starts to lean in. He lifts up his leg, knee landing next to my thigh. Then his other knee on my right side. His feet hang off of the bed. He straddles me, not letting down his weight but still over my lap. He trails his fingers through my hair, parting it in the middle and pushes me down on the bed.

He crawls over me. Excitement flushing through me as I become anxious for his next moves, anticipating what would happen next.

But instead, he lays down with me, his arms wrapping around my neck, face leaning down on my shoulder, body fully relaxing on top of me as he gets comfortable.

He stays there, breathing slowed, heart beating at a steady rate while mine starts to relax with his.

"You okay?" I ask, bringing my hands around his waist to bring him in closer.

"I'm sorry Kuroo couldn't make it."

I blink a few times, words not connecting to the way he wants me to understand.

"Why would you be sorry?"

He holds his breath and I feel a deep blow of hot air hitting my neck as he lets it go.

"I just..." He closes his mouth, to what I assume is a sign of him  thinking so I wait for him to speak up again.

"I don't know." He says finally, his voice was low in a whisper and it sounded like a terrible lie even though Kenma is one of the best liars I've known. The hesitation in his voice was loud and clear.

"Hm," I start off, dragging my hands through his back, slowly tracing his spine up...then down, feeling him shiver under my touch. I continue, keeping a slow momentum. "I don't believe you." I say, leaving a gentle kiss on top of his head, showing him that I wasn't annoyed about him lying just curious. He inches closer to my neck, lips touching barely under my ear.

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