17. Minecraft

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Really short and boring chapter but I needed to destress.



"Comfortable?" I ask.

"You're so warm." He says, nuzzling into my neck.

I lean my head to the side, laying on his head which was laying on my shoulder. "It tickles, stop." I push his head up with my hand. He pushes my hand off of his head and pulls me back into the hug.

I laugh at him. "My arms are asleep Kuroo, I need to move."

"You can move later." He bites my shoulder.

"Ow, okay! Damn."

I let Kuroo fall asleep on me as the day went by. Having every emotion and thought running through my head made it harder for me to enjoy the moment I had with...my new boyfriend?

"Ew." I say

"Ew?" Kuroo mumbles

"Not you."

"Hm." He falls back asleep.

Damn, what a baby.

I pick up my phone off the nightstand and scroll through it, trying not only to waste time but to keep myself entertained from my anxiety. After a couple of minutes, I hear the front door open.

"Kuroo." I whisper, taking him off of my shoulder.

"What?" he whispers back, his voice sounding pissed off from being woken up again.

"Does your dad come home early today?"


"I heard the door open."

"Huh?" He puts his head up and looks at me. We both stay quiet. We wait for another noise to be heard but it's dead silent.

"You sure?" He asks. I give him an annoyed look and he smiles at me. "Cute." Before I could give him a response, the door opens, scaring both of us.

"Hey." Kenma says, walking into the room, looking at both of us on the bed.

"Hey." We both say.

"Thought you had something to do." Kuroo says, obviously annoyed. I smile at his comment. 

"I knew you guys missed me so I came." Kenma grabs Kuroo's remote controller and turns on his console and tv. He sits down on a chair, his body all tensed. He sighed heavily.

"You okay?" I asked him, getting Kuroo fully off of me and sitting at the end of the bed to get a better view of Kenma.



"Yea, where did you go?" Kuroo asks.

"I went out with Hinata."

"If you went out with Hinata, why'd you act like it was such a big secret?" Kuroo asks harshly.

"Sorry." Was all we got as a response. He switches between games and finally ends up picking Minecraft.

"Stress relief?" I whisper at Kuroo and he just shrugs. He pulls me by my waist and brings me back on the bed to cuddle.

"Kuroo." I place my hand on his chest. "Kenma is like right there."

"And?" He says. "We do this all the time."

"Not like this..." I pause. "this...It's more...intimate?" My eyes look at everything but Kuroo. My heart is racing like it has been every day.

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