13. Drunk Thoughts

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Walking into the house, we stumble over the steps in the front door.

"Kuroo, pick up your leg." I say.

"I'm..going." He says slowly.

He slowly lifts his leg up and puts it down not making it over the step.

"Oh my god." I whisper.

We pull him forward, dragging a drunk Kuroo through his house. He trips over nothing, hitting his foot on the side of a table which causes his keys to fall on the floor.

"Oops" He says, looking at the floor in the dark.

I swear, if you get us caught, I am blaming you for everything.

I pick up the keys, putting them in my pocket. We drag him some more, stopping in front of the stairs.

"Okay Kuroo, you got this." I let him go, giving him a thumbs up. He gives me a big smile, his eyes being closed shut. Kenma lets him go and Kuroo stands in front of the first step, staring at it. He stays still for a full minute, Kenma and I sending glances to each other the whole time.


Kuroo looks up at Kenma and then at me. "I..I can't...I see too many steps." He says between sobs.

"Kuroo...Kuroo, ShhHhHH." I put my finger up to my lips, shushing him down. "We can't wake up your dad."

"Dads 'ome?" He asks.

"Yea, and he will be pissed if he sees you this wasted. Can you go up the stairs?" I ask him, holding him up again by putting his arm over my shoulder.

"Noo.." He says, shaking his head aggressively. He stops, putting his hand on his head. "Ouch." He says lazily, shutting his eyes.

"Okay big baby, lets go." Kenma and I start dragging him up each step. "Why are you so fucking heavy?" Kenma pants out. We finally get him to the last step, pulling him up from his arms, he puts one foot forward then the other.

"Finally." I huff out. "Now. You need a bath." I take him off my shoulder, still holding him by his waist.

"Nooo." Kuroo whines out.

"SHH" Kenma shushes him sharply, scaring both Kuroo and I.

"Whyy?" He groans.

"Because you reek of alcohol. Kenma, can you please help Kuroo?" I ask him knowing damn well that this is going to be a chore to do and Kenma was not going to be easily convinced.

"What? Why me?" He asks

"Kenma, pleaseeeee??? I'm not going to see him naked." I beg him.

"What? NO." Both Kenma and Kuroo yell at the same time.

"IF YOU DON'T SHUT UP KUROO!!" I whisper, yell to him.

"Sorrreey." He pouts.

"Kenma pleaseee, do this once for Kuroo."

"It's his fault he got drunk." He argues with me

"And you're gonna be a good friend and help him."

Kenma groans, swinging his arms lazily as he rocks his body left and right.

" 'NO', what Kuroo?" I ask

"Kyanma's mean." He says

"Kuroo, we have...no other choice...okay?" I slowly explain to him as if it would help him to understand.

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