**Chapter 28**

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' ding dong '

I rang the bell standing infront of the house waiting for the door to open.

It has been a few days since we have been talking properly and it is like suddenly we became distant. Even if we don't converse so much the little talks that we had were the best and reasonable i would say. And I am missing it now.

I used to think what if ours was a love marriage. If it was, we would kill each other over an argument and mend it in our own ways. But would not let her go. Because when you know she loves being with you and being with each other makes both happy you jsut will not let her go.

But here it's not and I forced her to marry me.

I don't even know whether she likes living here, in this house with me. And liking me is the far one to go. I understand that this might be the same case in arranged marriage. But when I realized that 'Abhishek' would not been an option if it was an arranged marriage everything fell apart. That day when I forced her to marry me i did not ask her choice. And i wanted to give it to her now. But she is upset and i don't get it.

' ding dong ' I pressed the bell again.

Is no one home?

It's 7 in the evening. Is she not home yet? 

I searched for the spare key near the switch box and found one.

One day I came early and no is at home. Placing my bag on the sofa I went to kitchen to grab a glass of water. 

Spotting a sticky note there on the fridge, I stood grounded at the same spot.

It said, ' Going to my mom's place. Will not come home. ' 

I was contemplating two sentences in my head. Because both make me nervous.

A heated conversation few days ago and now she is going to her mother's place?

I immediately placed my water bottle at the stand and my legs carried me our bedroom. 

I opened wardrobe with hesitation to see all her clothes gone. 

My mind stopped working and i don't know what to do. I closed the wardrobe and moved to the dresser to spot the same sticky note placed over the mirror.

I pulled it out  and tore it into pieces.

'Going to mom's place. Will not come home' 

Is that it ? Is she gone ? Was it that easy to her ? 

 Can't she wait until i was home? 

What was she thinking ? Did she think i don't even deserve a closure?

She ended everything we had with a sticky note? not even a call or a damn letter.


That too she placed two of them incase I missed her beautiful message. Now this is getting on my nerves

I picked my phone and called her.
And she is testing my patience by not picking it up. 

Guess what ? I am going to her place. I know I asked her to do what ever hell she wants but I am not taking this shit anymore. 

I took my bike and started to her mom's house. I swear if I meet Harjeet there and if he throws some random words at me I won't be able to handle it anymore. 

After 30 minutes of ride, parking my bike in the porch I stood before her house. 

I took a deep breathe and knocked the door. After a few seconds the door opened.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2021 ⏰

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