**chapter 5**

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They both came home .Abhi came out of his car and asked Pragya to come out. Both went inside the house. abhi's friend Maanav was in the hall . when he saw abhi he came to him and asked "Where were u abhi ? i was waiting for u from 6 . And now its 8 . are u going to explain me or not?" Then he saw pragya entering the house . Mannav does not know about thier marriage but remember Pragya as he had treated her . At first he was surprised he went towards her and asked" you here . are  alright now ". pragya who was confused answered him" yes . i am . sorry to ask may i know who u r? " " you were chased by goons na , that day i had treated u .as u were unconsious u cannot recognize me . When I asked about u the next day, Abhi said that you had went to ur house . " "oh ! yes " said pragya. Maanav, " have u came here by work ?". pragya looked at Abhi . she started" I....". abhi interrupted " She is married to me maanav ". Maanav " What??? "Abhi " yes ". Maanav," Wow , I didn't even know that. Can't u say me a word " Abhi " It is not as u think Maan ." Maanav " no need . you have shown me who I am to u . If I haven't came here , u wouldn't have told this to me. " abhi "hey ....". Maanav "it's not the right time. First tell me have u both ate". Abhigya nodded no . Maan" it's too late i will order something for u". Pragya " no i will prepare something in while . " saying this she went to kitchen before anyone could reply. Abhi took Maan and said all things happened .
Maan : What have u done Abhi? You have spoiled a girls life just for a revenge .
Abhi : I didn't know about the truth before yaar
Maan : even at that time also what u did is wrong . Don't show the situation and try to escape. If anyone try to revenge u then u will do like this only . It's not a childsplay abhi. Marriage is one thing that happens only once. That should be memorably happy . That should not be tragic . She wouldn't have even thought that her world would turn upside down .
(Abhi remembers her saying i will not forget this day ever in my life)
Maan : atleast from now try to lit up her life .
Pragya calls them for dinner and they went in. She called Maanav to sit . Both of them sat in table . She placed Roti before both of them . They started to eat. While eating Maanav and pragya were talking as if  they were talking after long years . After finishing the food they came to hall .
Maan : ok di . I am leaving bye.
Pragya : yes Maan. (Said slowly) please come and daily atleast i will get a break relief from this kadoos .
Abhi : Excuse me . What u said..?
Pragya and maan simultaneously: nothing
They smiled .abhi went to room . Maan went to his house. Pragya cursing herself went to abhi's room . She knocked the door to change . The door was open so she entered in and changed . Came out of the room where abhi was already changed and lying in the bed . She cursed herself for her fate and the bedsheet pillow and headed to balcony. Abhi "U can sleep here in the couch " . Pragya " what do u think mister mehra .that u are giving me place to sleep.no i don't need ur concern . I am going there it is for my sake . So please ". Abhi "it's to cool outside . So u r not going . Okay!!". Pragya "that is not okay . I will go ". She headed towrds the door . But baangg.. ...... abhi closed the door "U R Not going out !!" "I will go what u will do?". Abhi moved towards her "u know very well what i can do "pragya "what?? Are u scaring me . Meee....... pragya singh khurana" . Abhi "Corretion .... mrs . Pragya  abhishek mehra ". Pragya was stunned . She stopped in the way . Abhi " what happend". Pragya " i will not bend to ur tricks . What do u think u can manipulate me (by walking towards him . He moves away from the balcony door . )no way . And now i am going to sleep so bye. " BAAAAGGG.......... . The balcony door is closed with her in . Abhi " ho man.....". He headed towards the bed . Again she opened the door and said " between I am just pragya singh khurana . Just....... . U know what i mean right . let devil come to ur dreams ". Abhi shrugged his shoulder and went to sleep .
it's morning
pragya woke and went to bath when she came ready she saw maan ib the room . He was trying to wake up abhi.
Maan : wake up Abhi ......
pragya : what are u trying to do .
Maan : we have an important work . see he is not waking up
pragya : ur way of waking is wrong maan . she took a jug of water . now see how he is going to wake up.
she took the jar near abhi face suddenly abhi opened his eyes . she was shocked .
abhi : what the hell u r doing .
pragya : splaaaashhhhhh.......
she jerked and poured water in abhi's face .
abhi wiped his face . his face was full flusged with anger . pragya stood up and smiled confusingly.here maan was laughing uncontrollably 😂😂😂😂😂
abhi stared at him. he stood up. he slipped in water and was about to fall but steadied himself . here pragya and maan wasn't able to stop laughing . it irritated him . he moved towards them hear pragya started to run . abhi cursed himself for his morning. probably who would wish to wake up like this . so sad
i am so sorry if today update was boring. and also sorry that i didn't post these days.pleech 😁

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