**chapter 10**

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the sun rised . Pragya who was in  the terrace all the night woke up due to light . her face was fully tearssticken. she had cried a lot last night . she didn't have any energy . she went straight to kitchen to prepare a coffee. though she is hurt she was in the same home because she doesn't want to leave without clearing his misunderstanding .

 wait a minute he said that i had gave his land to him . to whom ? . first of all when did i give it. i don't even know about him then why would i interfer in those  matters . Abhi came down sleepyly . Maan came there.

Maan : hey , Abhi i want to say an important thing to you .

Abhi : yes tell me bro . 

Maan : before that i need to call dhi tooo.\

Abhi : why are you calling her?

Maan : because it's related to her . ah.. no.. Please don't interrupt. okay.                                                                   pragyaa dhii.....

Pragya : yes Maan.

maan : i want to say a important thing . abhi that Harjeet had played a game .

Pragya : Harjeet ???????

Abhi : don not act as if you dono anything .

Maan : Abhi pragya dono anything about him . 

Abhi : do not support her Maan  she---

Maan: (interuppted ) di is not involved in it .

Pragya : will  u say it clearly Maan . 

Maan : di ur father had illegaly tookthe land from abhi . abhi had created the agreement in such a way that his family member has an equal rights on the land  if they wish they can sell . since u r his wife now ur signature would be enough to transfer the land to anyone's name . your father had took it as an advantage and got the sign from u.

Pragya : but i didn't even see his face then how i will sign it man..

Maan : that the matter  Pragya . u remember ur painting competition . on that day one man came to you and asked for the painting you painted on that day.

Pragya : yes .i do . i gave him that painting . what a problem in that . 

Maan : that was the source of problem . it had your signature in that . and the man was your fathers worker . since it had your signature at its back they brought it . seeing that he had put your sign in the agreement too. 

Abhi was shocked at the realisation 

Maan : but we cannot save the land now as the sign is exactly the same . 

Pragya : no Maan we have a way. 

Abhi and Maan saw her curiously.

Maan : what is that pragya ??

Pragya: the fact is that it is not my signature . 

Maan and Abhi : what ?????

Pragya : my official signature differs from this one .

Maan : what do you mean .??

Pragya: i use this signature only for my paintings. so you can easily prove that its not my signature . for proof you can use the college register that my signature . and i assure you that they will not mach with the signature in the agreement 

Maan : wow that a good idea . oaky abhi i am going to di college and then to the police station . i will teach Harjeet  a lesson. 

with that Maan went to pragya's college .

Abhi's words starts to ring in his head 'you are a cheap  girl and you would do anything for money '     ' the biggest mistake i have done in my life is marring you'

he closed his eyes in regret . he want to apologize to Pragya . but she was no where there . he went to his room  and saw her coming from the room with her paintings . she was dressedin the same saree which had worn when they married . he was confused with her actions .when she saw him she kept the paintings aside and came to him and " thank you mr.Mehra .you had allowed me to stay here for two days . so thank you so much . i came to you to return the saree which you gave to me . here"( she placed it in his hand ) . she took her paintings started moving towards the door . 

Abhi : where are you going ? 

Pragya : to my place .

Abhi :your place? that  mean ?

Pragya: i am moving out of this house since it does not belong to me. and i don't want to be accussed another time . thank you for everything . 

she went before abhi could react. that all my fault what shall i do now .no its not right i ruined her life by marrying her . i seperated her from her mother and all above this i have insulted her for no reason . i should not leave her  in the mid . i will bring her home . 

he rushed out of the house . he saw her in the road end walking all way . he went to her and stood infront of her .

Abhi : come to home . 

Pragya :why should i come?

Abhi : i just said come with me  to home . 

Pragya without listening to him went ahead him . he got angry.  he got hold of her wrist . 

Abhi : Are you coming are not ?

before she could answer people gathered there . they started scoulding Abhi .

A man : don't you feel ashamedof yourself holding a girls hand in the road . why are you stalking  her.

Abhi : excuse me .... (?????)

A women : hey girl do you know him . don't fear say the truth . 

pragya finding it a nice chance to escape from him . said  " no. i dono who he is "

Abhi was shocked he said " Pragya it not the time to play. say the truth you dono me ??". pragya did not say anything . abhi thought to end it  he pulled her towards him and lifted her up . 

pragya : what are you doing leave me down . 

man  : hey just leave her down .

Abhi : i am taking my wife to my house do you have a problem in it . 

women : Is he your husband beti . 

Pragya bends down . seeing her acceptance  scolding the two the people went to their work 

Pragya: leave me down . 

Abhi : i will not what you will do .?

Pragya struggled in his arm . she bet him vigorously in his shoulder but he did not budge .he came to his room carriying her all along . when he was near the couch she pushed him with force that both landed one over the other . abhi was over Pragya and both fell down .

         bye for now guys 

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