**chapter 11**

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Really I am fed up with the ongoing track of kumkum bhagya . 🤒🤒🤒

Ok let's come to track.

Their eye lock broke when pragya screamed in pain. 

Abhi : why are you shouting like this ? 

Pragya : why you won't say ? I ama the one suffering . U are lying over me on the above you are asking why am I screaming . 

Abhi : oops sorry . ( He stood up and gave his hands for her . she neglected it and stood by herself )

Pragya : Actually what is your problem  ? you married by forcing me. By hurting me . then you are feeling guilty for it. yesterday you wanted me out of your life. and when i am ready to go you want me to be here . yesterday you was fighting with me . and today you fought with them to bring me here . when i saw you on the day when i had fainted , i saw a kind person . and when i saw you in the college , i saw an arrogant person. Why ??? Why are you so complicated ??

Abhi : i ..

Maan : Abhi.... (Maan  screamed )

both abhi and pragya rushed to him . 

Abhi : why are you screaming what  happened ?

Maan: i want to say two  things to you 

Abhi : then say ?

Maan : first thing is Harjeet is now in lock up . 

Abhi : what's bad in that ?

Maan: wait! i did not finish . he is in rage . anyway within few hrs he will be released with his influence . if that happens then the one that will be affected is Pragya dhi  as he knows that Pragya is involved in this .

Abhi : and what is the other one.

Maan : we cannot say it as a bad news .

Abhi : oh maan do not frustrate me and say what it is ?

Maan : that  is ..

women : abhi !!!!!(abhi turned to see her and was shocked )

Abhi : dadi !! he ran to her hugged her . 

though he was an don for the outside world, he is a sweetheart to his dadi . he loves his dadi . 

Dadi : how are you abhi??

Abhi : i am fine dadi . you could have called me na . i would have come to pick you up .  

Dadi : it's okay beta .maan how are you ?

Maan : too good dadi 

Dadi : so surprising living with this kadoos and you are saying too good . it's too bad to say lies man . 

Maan : what to do dadi . it's all fate that i have to bear this much pain in this small age . 

Abhi : dadi just now you came and started your work . teasing me all day . by the way , you would have not slept enough without teasing me . now you are back here na , ache se neendh ayegi aapko as you will not miss a chance to tease me . (smirked).

Pragya hearing their conversation laughed at them . that was the time Dadi saw her . 

dadi: Abhi who is this ??

Abhi : voo...

Maan : dadi .. she .. she..is..

Dadi: yes , she is ...

Maan : vo she is your grand daughter in law .

dadi : oh...... what????

Maan: didn't you here dadi vo aapki bahu hai..... bbaahhhuuuuu.

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