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𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐠𝐨 | 𝐭𝐰𝐨


𝐟𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐚 𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐪𝐮𝐞

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𝐟𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐚 𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐪𝐮𝐞.

"that's an excellent choice. one of my favorites, a rarity that i keep specific for special occasions." i freeze hoping she's not upset that i grabbed the bottle from the cellar. it's late at night in a hotel bar, what could be worth celebrating at this time? i don't voice my question out loud as i wait for her to continue speaking. her voice, even when harsh is voluptuous and harmonious, i could listen to her for days.

"well, are you going to open the bottle or should i do it myself?" her smirk transforms into a teasing smile as i get to work, opening the bottle and pouring the golden liquid into her glass. i can't believe i'm just staring dazed like an idiot instead of working. her presence is both intimidating and intriguing. i can't be blamed for my lack of professionalism, she's incredibly distracting.

"i'm sorry about that. is there anything else i can get you two?" i was also ignoring her friend who was watching the interaction with amusement. i can't believe i'm performing so unprofessionally in front of the owner of the hotel. her friend takes a sip of her drink as i prepare taraji's drink.

"well what do you know? the little one can make it dirty." i gulp and will myself to remain calm and not react, my red face betraying me already. the woman's sexual comments aren't what have the blood rushing to the tips of my ears and turning my bones to jelly. it's the fire behind taraji's eyes she throws at her friend. the slight exhilaration and trepidation at such a fierce look simply over a comment exudes power. and damn me if it isn't the sexiest thing i've ever seen.

"that's enough, marai." taraji's voice is firm and she turns her attention to me and i hand her the glass of whiskey that probably cost more than my life, not saying a word, waiting for her dismissal, trying not to let my thoughts turn sexual. she's my boss and worth more than my lowly possessions and life combined times ten. she's so far out of my league i shouldn't even be standing in front of her right now.

however, i am and i'm frozen.

i gulp as taraji locks eyes with me again as she lifts the glass. i watch as she smells the alcohol swirling it around the glass before downing the liquid. i feel wetness pool between my legs as her tongue darts out slowly stroking her lower lip. before her mouth pulls into a smirk and she looks at me so devilishly i feel a tingle of anticipation run through my veins. i wonder if she'd savor the taste of me and my juices on her tongue like a rare and expensive whiskey..

i shake my head of those thoughts and step back to put some distance between me and her suffocating presence. she watches the actions with a cocky smirk, knowing damn well the effect she has on people. i'm sure she revels in being able to bring others to their knees.

"you made a very excellent choice with this bottle and vintage. it is one of my favorites and i do not have it as much as i would like. good girl fantasia." oh, fuck. the desire to clench my legs is tempting but i do manage to keep my face straight. though i'm sure i resemble a tomato with the fire burning my inside. i nod unsure what to say and prepare to turn to go to the bar but she hasn't dismissed me yet. an invisible force holds me in place, waiting for her command. i'm caught by an invisible rope, tied, and waiting for her to set me free.

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