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𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐠𝐨 | 𝐬𝐢𝐱


𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐣𝐢 𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐚

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𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐣𝐢 𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐚. 

the bittersweet smell of coffee and breakfast wafts through my room and i look at the time on my laptop, seven in the morning, a later start than usual for me. i heard marai moving around in my kitchen at five o'clock this morning, doing her best to stay quiet. i know she's making breakfast for us both, likely to apologize for last night. this isn't the first time this has happened. i sighed, closing my work to finish at the office and gather my things. i gave up sleeping around four after a failed cold shower. i buried myself in work which seemed to dissipate the images of fantasia and marai, or both, in my bed, naked and exposed, begging for me. it was a long night, but i managed to get ahead on a lot of work, so i count it as productive.

i prepare myself to face marai, making sure my control is intact. it's been years since we played together, not since she called things off. even when she returned, i made sure to keep things platonic. last night she caught me off guard, simultaneously reminding me why i liked fucking her so much. the way 'taraji' fell off her lips with complete submission, sensual, ready, and natural, it took everything not to slip my hands under her dress and make her scream my name. clearing my head, i get all my things and leave my room, following the smell to the kitchen.

coffee, crepes, fruit, bacon, and potatoes, decorate my kitchen, adorned by marai still in her pajamas, a big t-shirt that stops at mid-thigh. "good morning, raji." she sets the already fixed plate and mug of coffee in front of me. her voice is small and apologetic, avoiding my face, as she goes back to cleaning up her mess. i watch her wash dishes while i eat, her shirt raising delicately every time she reaches for something, taunting me, much like my dreams. however, this is reality and this sexy woman just made me breakfast and it's been a couple of weeks since i've had sex i could call decent.

her body is tense and i would love to see her melt under my touch. i watch her closely, noting her stiff form trying to look relaxed. i don't know if it is because her usual confidence has turned into a shyness i remember so well around me, or the dreams and memories that plagued me all night, but i feel my control crumbling i'll likely regret this later.

"come here." the command is stern and i watch as she wordlessly follows my order, drying her hands and coming to stand in front of me. i move my chair slightly back from the table and gesture to my lap, "sit." marai takes a shaky breath before slowly sitting on my lap. the bruises on her legs are more pronounced in this lighting and i shift, making sure she's comfortable. "are you okay, marai?" i eat my bacon while she thinks over the answer, knowing what i'm referring too.

"i feel a lot better actually. i ended things with asante after i sobered up a bit. i'm really sorry about last night, i don't know what got into me." i look her over, gently moving the hair away from her face while cutting a middle piece of the strawberry and chocolate-filled crepe. we both have a sweet tooth and after the long night we had, this is perfect.

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