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𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐠𝐨 | 𝐬𝐢𝐱𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧


𝐟𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐚 𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐪𝐮𝐞

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𝐟𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐚 𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐪𝐮𝐞.

i fix my hair in the bathroom mirror, trying to waste time and put on a brave face. i sigh and close my eyes. i can't hide in here forever. i've wasted too much time already. i don't want there to be questions.

"i have to say you look adorable when you pout, tasia," i gasp looking up to see regina staring at me through the mirror.

"m-ms. hall, what are you doing here?" i straighten up, seeing my boss, her signature smirk on her face. i can't handle this right now.

"high-powered people often need attorneys. i'm technically working. the better question is what are you doing, hiding in the bathroom?"

"i-i'm not hiding. i'm just.." i trail off my mind failing to find an excuse that doesn't sound like bullshit. truth is, i wasn't as upset about seeing taraji with marai, it was the feeling that i'm turning into a different person. i've never tried to fit in but i feel myself changing. i don't know if it's for good reasons or worse. it's hard not to feel like i'm making a mistake.

taraji was right, i have no idea what i was getting into, but she should've told me that rich people would be the least of my worries. this world of dominatrixes and submissive, i don't know if i'm ready for it. i can't deny my curiosity, especially with the arrival of regina hall. attorney by day, dominatrix by night. it's all so fascinating and completely out of my league. is this the normal world for the rich? i wonder who else at this dinner is involved in bdsm.

regina chuckles walking closer until she's directly behind me. she's close enough that i feel the warmth radiating from her body but not touching me. her eyes stay locked on me through the mirror and i don't dare move.

"if we're going to work together, honesty and trust are critical." i look down, only for her to reach around and lift my head. right, keep my head up.

"it's nothing really.. taraji is with marai and i just started feeling.." regina strokes my jaw, raising her brow when i don't finish.


"no, more like, inadequate. i mean look at me." i'm nothing compared to the women i saw in that ballroom. actors, actresses, models, fashionistas, and millionaire princesses.

"i'm looking at you and what i see is utterly divine. your insecurities stem from your lack of money but your qualities beyond that are incomparable to money. i could see that within the first five minutes of your interview. you just need the confidence to back up your natural beauty."

"but how?"

"maybe you just need some lessons, we can discuss that more on monday. for now, take this as a free lesson. look in the mirror," i do as she says, staring at our reflection. her features are so sharp but she's still gorgeous. it's not hard to imagine this woman wielding a whip and leather gear. she has that aura of dominance. regina hall has a reputation for not backing down to anyone. it's what makes her so successful as an attorney. i became a fan after she put some chauvinistic asshole lawyer in his place. it was the greatest thing i had ever seen and the video went viral. i followed her on social because she's gorgeous and a badass. she started her own law firm and sometimes gave free legal advice. i had never considered she was active in the bdsm lifestyle. i had never considered much about the lifestyle, until now.

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