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18 months later.

"Stand down." A stern voice snapped.

I shook my head, "I got it." I sprang from my hide-out, nailing two consecutive silver-lined bullets into the changeling's hairy chest. A high-pitched squeal left its jaw as it shook, falling to the dust with a twitch. Pleased, I released a breath. Foam dripped from its lips but before I could approach it, a hand gripped my elbow, yanking me away from the changeling.

I felt the rough surface of the tree trunk scant seconds later at my back as familiar twin brown eyes glared down at me.

From my peripheral, Elite Syndicate Enforcers approached the dead animal, pointedly ignoring Alexei's fury as they busily doused the dead wolf in gasoline. Someone flicked a match, and a burst of colourful flames erupted into a brilliant red-orange flare.

"Eyes on me Penelope." He ordered.

I caught those brown eyes again. I hated those eyes. I only said they were just brown because that made me feel better, rather than confess that his eyes reminded me of deep pools of liquid dark gold.

Yeah, this man brought out the poet in me.

I had a weakness for men with dark, smouldering eyes- although in this moment, Alexei certainly was not giving me sexy eyes.

"I said I got it." I sighed, giving my weight to the trunk. "And since I was the closest and had a clear shot, I went for it."

"You should've listened to me when I said to stand down."

"As you can see, the wolf is dead. That's all that matters."

"I don't give a shit if it's dead now. It wasn't before. If something wrong happened, you could've got injured badly. That would have costed us. You heed my orders. I am leading this search party. You listen to me Penelope."

I clenched my jaw but saw the truth in his words. "I'm sorry. I won't do it again." I conceded the words before I could tug them back.

"Good." His gaze bore down on me for a long second before he pushed away, barking orders to the other E.S Enforcers.

I watched him sidle next to Emerys who was laughing his head off despite the charred remains of the deceased wolf near his feet. That man was a strange one. He bumped fists with Alexei who looked only a tiny bit better but there was a lingering scowl still pasted on his handsome face.

I diverted my attention. I couldn't think of Alexei.

Ever since I officially entered the Pack as an Elite Syndicate Enforcer, he'd been treating me differently.

I didn't know what it was exactly but there was obviously something happening with him. One night while we were on patrol together, I tried apologising for whatever it was I could've done to him, but he simply shook his head and ignored my apology altogether. That had pissed me off. I noticed that he was actively trying to avoid me. I tried once more to approach him, but he refused to even listen.

Hence, I was now over it.

I didn't bother him again after that.

I had already tried twice to mend whatever had happened between us to cause this weird rift, but Alexei didn't want a lick of it.

It wasn't like we were friends although I hoped we were, but Alexei had been giving me the cold shoulder for months. I couldn't wade my way in into his good graces. I'd given up.

I had other things to worry about.

It was a shame that Alexei was never going to let me know what was going on in that head of his.

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