Hell's angels [25]unedited.

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Chapter 25

My heart was truly in my mouth as I remembered Lucius who was out there all on his own facing the enemy. Nothing could have made my feet fly faster and still it had not felt fast enough.  

Charging around the edge of the building, I could not have been more surprised or more relieved unless Lucius himself had been standing there. Rushing forwards, I lowered my sword enough that I did not impale the unsuspecting angel and instead barrelled into Castiel so hard that the poor man was nearly bowled off of his feet.

“Cass, what are you doing here?” I questioned, not really caring as I crushed him tighter to me.

“We came when we heard Lucifer was on the surface. It could only mean trouble, especially when the lord of the dead came back with a terrifying scowl on his face.”

I assumed this was meant to be a joke but as usual the angelic stuffiness meant that much was lost in translation. Still I hugged him a little tighter before coming away with a smile on my face.

“Either way I am glad to see you. Lucius is gone.” I waved my hand through the air non-committedly. “I don’t know where he is and someone is trying to open the gates to hell. Brilliant isn’t it.” I gave a slightly hysterical laugh which made each of Hell’s Angels stare at me like I had contracted some kind of lunacy.

“I can’t say that the probable end of the world is brilliant Miss Holmes,” Castiel replied evenly causing me to release another burst of hysterical giggles.

It would never stop surprising me that that angels took words at face value. How Lucius must puzzle them all, I thought as I allowed my lips to tilt up into an almost smile.

Sobering myself, which was more of a chore than it seemed, I offered the angels a grimace. And each returned it, even Binah, the short exotic beauty with a voice that could seduce the populace with a word or two. It felt wrong that these beautiful, these fallen angels should look so grim.

“We discovered who was involved.” Caius added when we had stood there for a few seconds too long in silence. “We went to the keeper of the hellhounds. Crazy old coot was half out of their minds but we got a name.”

Before he could finish his twin beat him to it. “Claudia.”

My hand which had been hanging loosely at my side fisted tightly around the handle of my angel blade which had materialised at my insistent thoughts. It still amazed me that I had one – a blade that hummed under my touch with power and possibilities. A delicate shiver ran down my spine as I forced myself to meet the wide eyed gazes of the fallen angels before me.

“It’s time we met out enemy.” I murmured, rolling my shoulders to adjust to the weight of my wings as I drew them into my back.

It was difficult to move them around as I hadn’t developed strong enough muscles in them yet but sheer determination, which brought lines of strain to my forehead, left them folded neatly against the curves of my body.

The others stared at me for a moment longer before they all nodded their heads in eerie unison. If I wasn’t already accustomed to the strangeness of the angelic kind I might have thought something creepy was going on. But there was nothing creepy about them -- they were just their normal almost robotic selves.

Castiel and I took the front of our group. I may not have been the most adept with a sword but I was the only one who even had a clue where to go. The others had all been beneath the ground for such a long time that the face of the earth had crumbled and been rebuilt again since then. I’m sure Castiel had mumbled something under his breath about London changing a lot since the Great Fire.

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