Hell's Angels [18]

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Chapter 18

I had lain prone on the floor for several long minutes as I tried to regain my breath. However when I finally pushed myself to my feet and felt the damage that had been done to my body, I knew that we had to get out of there.

 It had then taken a further twenty minutes to return to the house because I had a strange little hobble and I also had the perverse need to see the body still lying in the middle of the road. It had made my stomach churn and it was pure luck that I hadn’t emptied my stomach contents over the road. After that urgency had overtaken me and I hurried to retrieve Nicole and any of her necessary belongings before rushing to get back on the road.

Thus after several hours sitting in traffic, we finally pulled up before my home. It was an expensive house situated in Chelsea and had been part of my contract when I signed on to be the Devil’s Assistant. If only I had known how much trouble it would cause me – maybe that I wouldn’t have signed that damned piece of paper and would be living in blissful ignorance.

I shook my head and focused on parking the car perfectly parallel to the curb to rid myself of such thoughts. Not having the house and this job would mean having no money, but more importantly, the price of my ignorance would be Lucius.

I turned the engine off and sat in the seat for a long while. My eyes were closed and my head was slumped back against the head rest as I tried to muddle through the chaos that was currently surrounding my life. Not only was there some evil faction aiming to open the gates of hell but they had hold of the commands for an entire legion of hellhounds. And there was no doubt in my mind that Nicole was caught up in the middle of it – after all she was special in herself and the child was someone that could be truly spectacular.

“Are you alright Savannah?” The voice had cut through my thoughts so abruptly that I jumped in my seat while my heart skittered in my chest.

“What?” I slurred before turning my head to Nicole and smiling grimly. “I’m fine, just a lot on my mind right now.”  Tapping her knee, I then pulled open my door and swung my legs out of the vehicle only to turn back when I realised the teen had not moved.

She was looking out of the window at the busy streets and the heavy traffic with a mixture of trepidation and awe. No doubt it was a big change to what she was used to. Heck I doubted the girl had ever left the town limits of Angels’ landing before I had taken her away. With wide eyes she watched car after car pass us by and I couldn’t help but smile.

“I know it’s different but it will be safer here. I have some friends in very high places so I’ve got the best security you can possibly get.” I smiled at the girl in an attempt to reassure her but it wavered on my features before dropping completely. “Come on, let’s get you settled.”

The house upon entering felt  cold and smelt a little stale after being empty for a week so I quickly threw open a few windows to get the air circulating. It was only when Nicole and I had brought everything in the house and settled on the sofa that we both breathed in a sigh of relief.

“Do you really think we’ll be safe here?” She questioned while staring resolutely at my humped back.

I shifted on my seat as I became aware another of our big problems.  The wings were still protruding from my back though I had managed to hide them under a bulky hoodie that used to belong to Nicole’s father. He wasn’t a particularly small man which was evident by the way that it hung off of me even with the feathery things on my back and with the sleeves rolled up several times.

Releasing a sigh, I shrugged my shoulders in a poor attempt to relieve the tension that had coiled up within my muscles. “I hope so, but there are never any guarantees. I just no we are safer here than your hometown. Besides, at least here you are away from all of the bad feeling of that place.” I nodded to myself as I wriggled back into the couch. “We have to take care of you and the bubba after all.”

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