Hell's Angels [3] Unedited

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Chapter 3

                The rest of the working day was rather uneventful for Satani media. Lucius locked himself in his office the entire day. He didn’t even bother to venture out during his lunch hour. I, on the other hand spent the day working through the voluminous pile of contracts that increased as each moment passed while my fingers itched to open the drawer where a certain gold scroll currently resided. As soon as darkness fell and the last unknowing human left, the atmosphere in the Satani building completely changed.

                Like the furnace that fuelled the building had suddenly been fed with the fires from the pits of hell, the heat reached an uncomfortable level and the walls gave off an aura that had the fine hairs on my arms standing up. Rubbing my hands up and down my arms to try and sooth the uncomfortable feeling welling within me, I shivered as though someone had walked over my grave. I knew without turning my head that someone was behind me but it still caused me to jump when I twirled around on my seat to see Lucius standing there like a gloomy looking Adonis.

                “You scared me Luce,” I chastised as I placed one hand over my skipping heart and threw a punch into his steel stomach.

                Wincing, I shook my hand and then sent a scowl up at the guy but he just ran a hand through his thick black hair and perched himself on the edge of the desk. I poked him in the side when my carefully ordered pile of papers slid across the desk and skipped off the edge meaning that I would have to spend another few minutes sorting them out before I could go home. As much as I wanted to have a rant at Lucius though, I just couldn’t bring myself to do it. It was most probably the lost look on his face that had me hesitating. Or it might have been the fact that he had grasped my hand as I tried to snatch it back and proceeded to rub soothing circles on the back of my hand.

                “It’s nearly time,” he whispered, his fingers interlacing with mine as he stared blankly ahead of him. I didn’t take his actions to mean anything given his traumatised state but I couldn’t help but enjoy the simple pleasure of someone holding my hand.

                Nodding my head in reply, I allowed the two of us to fall into companionable silence. His fingers kicked back and forth so that his shoes rhythmically thudded against the hard wood of the desk yet his eyes continued to stare at the wall ahead of him. I opened my mouth to speak several times but I couldn’t bring myself to actually say anything. What could I possibly say?

                The elevator dinged and the lyrics to Highway to Hell blared down the corridor until the sound was cut off abruptly when the doors closed once more. Glancing upwards, I saw there was a familiar figure walking down the hallway. The man looked like he was a little evil just from the way that his lips turned up at the corners with that smirk – it just promised trouble. But that was Levi, trouble all over but surprisingly loyal and hardworking. In the past year Lucius and I had found him to be an excellent person to call in a crisis hence his new position as Lucius’ right hand man.

                Pushing myself up from my chair, I gave him a smile which probably wasn’t as warm as the usual ones I sent his way. Nodding his head in reply, he stopped a few feet away from my desk so that I had to close the distance between us so that I could shake his hand. The two of us exchanged a look before he nodded and released my hand. I let out a breath of relief.  I could only hope that he caught the full meaning of that look. If the demons even thought for a moment that Lucius was weakened, dissension would break out and they would scrabble over the opportunity to gain more power. That’s just the way that demons are.

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