Hell's Angels [7]

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Chapter 7

To say that I gaped like a fish would be a complete understatement. There was no way to describe this man as big and his beauty was the unconventional kind, a lot more wild in its allure in comparison to Lucius. Even with that though, he was a far cry than what I had pictured Hades to be. It was a stark contrast to how he was portrayed in myths and legends but I should have known the inaccuracies of such things because of Lucius. I had assumed he would have been somewhere in between the Disney representation and a living corpse that was a few days past its sell by date. Never did I imagine him to be – well him.

Instead of a ghoulish being with a personality to match, I literally fall into the arms of an incredible handsome and happy man that would definitely make the top 10 of the hottest men that I had ever laid eyes on. The curse of being a god, they get to be extraordinarily beautiful, must be such a burden to bear.

Lucius cleared his throat bringing my attention back to the man my thoughts had been lingering upon and my boss who was looking a little green at the gills. I shook the thought off. Lucius was never jealous, probably because he knew that I wouldn't be too unwilling to kiss him if he asked. His problem was he didn't like to ask, he preferred women to beg him. Men and their damned egos, I thought scathingly as I eyed Lucius who was sending me a pointed look that failed to pierce through the lusty fog in my brain. I physically shook my head back and forth to try and return some normality to my thoughts. Hell was definitely screwing around with my mind.  

"Sorry about that," I spoke with a breathy tone of voice that had my eyes widening before I coughed to try and restore my voice back to normality. "Umm, it's nice to meet you Hades." I held out my hand to the man in question with a shaky smile upon my lips and was more than startled when he grasped my dainty hand in his giant one and lifted it to his lips and placed a light kiss across my knuckles.

"No Miss Savannah, I assure you the pleasure is all mine." He grinned at me some more and gave me a hearty wink before tucking my hand into the crook of his elbow. "Come, dinner will be served shortly. Lucius, you family is here."

Snapping my attention to Lucius, I noted that he didn't look at all surprised at the revelation and simply readjusted Danny upon his hip before making his way towards the entrance to the castle leaving Hades and I in his wake. The two of us exchanged glances, me with raised brows but Hades was full of nothing but amusement.

"Come on, time to meet the family." He chuckled to himself and then proceeded to drag me towards the entrance of the huge crystal castle that loomed over us.

I was surprised on the initial brightness inside the crystal building. The translucent effect given outside of the castle did not permeate to the interior and all of the walls were completely solid, the walls covered in cheerful red paint with black floors and skirting but it seemed to illuminate the place rather than create a gloomy effect. I raised my head and spotted the cause. The ceiling was just a complete row of orange and red crystals that shone brightly illuminating the corridor in warmth and light.

I didn't time to take in the various paintings and photographs hanging on the walls in guilt frames as Hades tugged me at a rapid pace. Well- he was walking slowly but his long legs meant that I had to jog to keep up with him.

Several twists and turns later I could hear hearty laughter and the loud chatter of several people coming from a room a few feet away. Hades slowed his pace slightly and allowed me to catch my breath, laughing when he glanced down to see me huffing and puffing. Still I was there within a few seconds and upon our entry, the entire room fell into silence. Never in my life had I felt so awkward than I did in that moment and I was reluctant to lift my gaze from my shoes. The gentle pat on my hand told me to grow a pair. So, biting nervously on my bottom lip, I lifted my head up and allowed myself to take in the other people standing within the room.

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