Hell's Angels [10] Unedited

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Several hours passed, and I was soon dolled up to the nines in some attire that looked as if it belonged in the eighteen hundreds. And it should have stayed there, I thought with a grumble.

 I sucked in a breath air but the corset tightly wrapped around my torso completely restricted the action. It was like being told to breathe through a straw – it left me lightheaded and really uncomfortable.

My hands danced over the royal blue material as my eyes inspected the strange figure in the mirrored surfaces around the room. I looked nothing like me. I looked like a movie extra - a woman who was born with a stick up their butt, one who could only flutter her eyelashes as she giggled behind her hands. Letting out a huff, I sent a glare through the mirror to the man in a suit with coat tails, a top hat secured under his arm.

“Why do I have to wear a corset again?”

 I winced as a woman approached from behind with a canister of hairspray. Without any warning she started to attack me with it. I choked and gasped as I inhaled a few breaths of the awful stuff. She was dressed similar to me, but it was clear that she was deemed a lower class by her attire. She still looked incredibly beautiful in her period dress, but the lack of opulence or vibrant colour bespoke of her status or rather my suddenly higher status.

“The corset is for the theme. Most of our balls are like those of yesteryear on the surface. It was a time when elegance meant being the most demure and alluring woman in the room without showing any risqué parts of your body.” Lucius sighed and brought one of his hands up to run it though his hair. “Now, women just show their legs and cleavages and leave nothing for the man to discover. It takes away all of the fun. Not that I’m complaining its nice knowing what you are getting, you know.  The ‘try before you buy’ deal. “

I watched all of this through the mirror with an intense curiosity. Although I knew things about the man, it was still difficult to remember that he was old enough to be a granddad, let alone adding on a few hundred greats onto that.

“I wish you had picked a different theme.” I gasped out and glared as the little woman who decided that if I could talk then my corset obviously wasn’t tight enough.

Gratitude was an understatement to what I felt when the short grey horned woman announced that I was finally presentable. I couldn’t breathe, and I couldn’t even walk, so obviously the intent was for me to suffocate or trip over if I even contemplated running away. Lucius had disappeared sometime in the middle of the woman’s torturous adjustment sessions and had returned with my little man.

Danny looked more and more like he could be Lucius’ son as the days passed. I didn’t understand it but with the two of them in matching outfits, it was like looking at a mini Lucius. I felt my eyes water at the thought that Lucius was closer to my son than Gabriel could ever be. I knew without a doubt that the reason for my charge was partly due to the retreat of nearly all angelic beings to the heavenly pastures. The ones who remained were those who had created ties to the mortal world. They did not want to leave and so sacrificed their true home to put up with humanity.

I wish Gabriel had stayed, I thought to myself before balking at the idea. I can’t believe that the completely selfish thought had slipped into my mind. I sure as hell did want to date the man yet I would keep him away from his home so that I could feel safe in the knowledge that my child wasn’t growing up fatherless.

I am definitely a Jeremy Kyle showcase, I groaned to myself before tottering over to the duo in my ridiculously high heels.

Lucius held out his arm for me to hold. I let him literally drag me along with him, the abundance of fabric swathing my body was preventing any fluidity in my movements. It would probably have been better if he just carried me to the ballroom but I wasn’t going to say that out loud. It would probably bruise my ego as much as it would enlarge his.

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