hell's Angels [6] unedited

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Chapter 6

The sensory overload I got as I peered through the doorway was almost too much for me to handle. Different sights and sounds were flooding towards me, bombarding so ferociously that it took a few moments for me to get my bearings. My eyes were wide as my heart thrummed in my chest so loudly that it only added to the roar in my ears.

The door led directly onto a bridge that was hovering proudly over a slow moving river. The bridge itself was dainty and ornate, looking more like a model than something that could actually hold the weight of a person with its little metal slats and the silver gildings on the side panels. I was more entranced by the river itself that was flowing gently five feet below. It was glowing softly, the water itself made up of different colours that was giving off a startling array of emotions. Joy; love; happiness; contentment, each filled my heart to the brim so I swayed back and forth in front of the gateway to hell feeling a little love drunk.

Unwillingly I pulled my gaze away from the soothing waters and let my eyes roam the other side of the river. The opposite back was made up of a lush green meadow that swept up the hill as it was bathed in a strange pink glow that was emitting from the sky above, almost like the evening sky before the sun dipped below the horizon. The bank swept over a great big hill before halting at the foot of a thriving city.

The city was how I would have pictured Pompeii to look before Vesuvius obliterated it. The streets were alive with activity as horses drew carts down the streets and voices shouted over the masses offering their wares to pedestrians wearing a vivid array of colours. All of this was nestled at the foot of a huge obsidian castle formed purely out of black crystal that was illuminated by the lights of the city below causing it to flicker like the castle itself was made from fire. With the red haze on the horizon, it truly looked like a castle born out of fire.

A hand on my shoulder startled me to the present and I turned to regard Lucius feeling completely befuddled. I wanted nothing more than to gaze back at the strangely idyllic landscape beyond but I knew that I would forget the purpose of my speech if I did let my gaze wander. Instead I gulped to try and moisten my mouth which had become dry.

“That is- that is hell?” I whispered as allowed my eyes to fall upon the man with a mask of disbelief firmly on my features.

It couldn’t be hell I thought incredulously, it was one step away from wonderland not the fiery pits of damnation that I had been expecting. Lucius saw the expression on my face and let out a great belly shaking laugh that would give Santa a run for his money.

“It makes me laugh that humans truly expect demons to live in pits of fire, what do they think we are? Masochists?” Lucius gave another loud laugh before taking Danny from my arms and then grasping my hand with one of his as he used the other to keep Danny’s sleeping form propped snugly against his chest. “Come on, I’ll show you around.”

Without any other words he pulled me through the doorway and onto the bridge over the beautiful water that caused me to stumble as I walked over it. The emotions again attacked me from all sides and I felt my entire body relax as I gazed at the back of Lucius’ head and felt a goofy smile appear upon my face. Lucius was a truly handsome man I thought to myself as I followed behind him like an eager puppy. With each step the emotions swelling within my heart and I was getting the overwhelming urge to halt Lucius and give him a huge sloppy kiss. Some lingering self-control kept me trailing after him with a bounce in my step but I did nothing to hide the huge beaming smile on my lips.

As soon as my feet touched down on the solid ground on the other end of the bridge, I felt as if I had just come down from a sugar rush and I felt slightly at odds with the fact that I had been love sick with Lucius. I shook my head back and forth to clear the thought and then blushed and looked away when he gave me a knowing grin.

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