Hell's Angels [23]

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Chapter 22

As promised, it was all business as soon as we woke the next day.  Lucius had taken our notes and examined each of them in depth adding his own thoughts. It was fine, I told myself over and over as I watched the furrow between his brows become deeper and deeper with each notation that he put down.

It was barely ten am however when things changed. Nicole, who had been dancing around the living room with Danny to the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Hot dog song, yelped. Lucius and I exchanged looks over the dining room table, pausing for barely a second before the two of us pushed away from the table and rushed into the living room to see what was happening.

My little boy drew my eyes first because he was still being an overactive two year old, dancing around the room as he continued to sing the words at the top of his lungs and flap his arms up and down like goofy was doing on the TV. My eyes then moved to Nicole.

At first nothing appeared wrong, except for the fact that she was very still and was currently looking at the floor like it held the answers to all of life’s problems. On autopilot, my gaze followed hers to the floor where there was a rather large wet patch pooling around her feet. Nicole could only stare and for a few seconds I couldn’t quite figure out what was going on.

And then I yelled. Lucius clapped his hands over his ears and glared at me but I was too busy hurrying forward to help the teen to pay much attention to him. Instead I was trying to remember what came next.

“Oh my god, you’re going to have a baby.” I whispered, tentatively stepping close to Nicole and pulling her into a one armed hug.

The little spitfire glared up at me before her eyes closed and she breathed in sharply.

“Oh my god, you’re going to have a baby.” I repeated dumbly which caused her to glare at me even worse than she had only seconds before.

“I’m starting to think you might not be the best person to help me through this.” She stated as she caught sight of my dazed and slightly awed look that was plastered upon my features.

I shook my head to clear it but it was still muddled as I turned to look over my shoulder at Lucius. He was stuck somewhere between horrified and dumbstruck – his mouth hanging open while his eyes were entranced by the pool of amniotic fluid now wetting my floor.

“Lucius get me some towels. We need to dry up the floor before someone walks in it.” I turned my gaze back to Nicole. “Are you still certain you want a home birth?”

I could feel myself wincing at the thought but then again it wasn’t my decision to completely forgo all modern medical means to deliver a baby it was hers. I was just thankful that she acquiesced to have a midwife attend her.

“Nicole sweetie, how long have you been having pains?” I asked as I gently helped her sit on the sofa but I soon forgot the answer because the girl was gripped by another contraction.

Her entire body curled up as it was wracked with spasms.  My breath was stolen from my lungs when she stretched out her hand and gripped onto my shoulder. Intense burning pain swept through me as her grip tightened even more as the second passed. I gritted my teeth and closed my eyes, breathing through the tenderness quickly steaming through my body. Maybe the midwife is right, I thought wryly, these exercises really do come in handy.

At that moment I was barely stopping myself from hitting Nicole’s arm away so that I would no longer be feeling this pain. I had never claimed to have a high pain tolerance and I didn’t think this was a particularly good situation to say that out loud because the woman before me was obviously in more pain that I was.

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