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For my identical twin sister Fredrick_Weasley who helped me with all my stories, with her this would not exist. Everything in here is my original work. This is my first proper story that is not doesn't have any fanfiction in it. I really hope you like. So anyway enjoy and any feedback, even bad and hateful feedback that most people don't like is welcome. Thanks.

I always knew something was wrong. I always knew that I was destined for a great thing. That I was going to change the world. I thought it was going to be by becoming a great lawyer that helped out someone who was famous. Or maybe I myself was going to be someone famous. I never really knew, I just had a feeling.

But I knew that whatever it was that I was destined to do would require skill, endurance, enhancements. Afterall I had always noticed that my cuts healed quicker than most. I was faster than most. I ate more than everyone. Everything about me was not normal. You would think that maybe it got a bit better, I wasn't as different later on in my life. Maybe I will find out what happened to me.

But the prior never happened.

In fact the opposite happened.

I became more different than anyone could ever believe.

Because whoever heard that life was fair?

It's not...

And what it has in store for me will change the way everyone thinks.

But a warning for some.

This is not a story for the faint hearted. Quite the opposite in fact. The words that lay within these pages are filled with gruesome facts. Mean people and it shows us how some people feel on the inside, a feeling raging to get out. Don't say I never warned you. 

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