I'm no different

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The ride to the police station was filled with tension. No one would speak to another apart from the few words transmitted over the radio to say their status or ETA. I spent most of my time looking out of the back window at the road, thinking about what I had done. What she had said. The words she used. She said I was just like Albert – looking for revenge by killing those who could stop me or that knew too much. Maybe she was right. Maybe I am no better than he is. Maybe this is what I deserve. Maybe, just maybe what I am doing will be a good thing.

"Get out of the car now!" One of the officers said, waking me from the trance I had put myself in. "Did you not hear me? I said get out of the car." He leaned forward and grabbed my arm just for me to resist it. I pulled back and because I didn't know my full strength, so I ended up pulling him with me. I heard a crash as his head flew through the window that separated me from the front of the van. "What was that for?" He said coughing up blood and then his head went limp.

"Sorry." I said all too late as I clambered out of the van and then slowly away from it. I tripped over a rock and fell down on the ground and started crawling away, just for two officers to grab my arms and pull me up. Then they took me inside. The station was quite basic but at the same time it wasn't. I looked at the room which normally housed the captain, but he wasn't there. I turned my head away from it and saw him standing there.

"So you're the all famous Lady CyAmze Macanese, Goddess of the Multiverse. Heard rumours that you might be true, never believed them until now, with you standing here in front of my face. Just never thought it would be under these conditions. Never thought Gods or Goddess if they ever existed to be killers, the God of War, or Death maybe, but one with your power, your status, never. I cannot believe that you had the officity to kill my best officer who not only didn't mean any harm to you, or to anyone, she never did. So why did you. More importantly she saved your life, she saved the most powerful person known to man, the literal goddess of the multiverse's life, you had no reason to kill her. She could have let you die but she didn't, she did a second thought, she trusted you, she thought you were going to be really nice, kind hearted like she was. Everyone believed that you would bring us hope, everyone prayed for you to come. Now I'm starting to believe that we are wrong, we have been praying to the wrong god because you only think about yourself."

"Yes she did save my life, yes she was kind. And you can still trust me, it was me that couldn't trust her, that's why I had to kill her, if you were in my position then maybe then you would realise. Her saving me meant that she was now dangerous to me, to everyone. She knew my strengths and my weaknesses. I couldn't keep her alive. I didn't owe her anything. And before you say I do because she saved my life let me just tell you this. All she was responsible for was knocking me out so Jim, whom I kept alive, could save me. She didn't know the first thing about saving my life." He looks at me with anger in his eyes as he slowly leans forward to inspect me, see if I am telling the truth. When satisfied that I am he straightens up his back and signals to behind me. The officers hardly drag me to an interrogation room and chain me to the table, even though the chains could never hold me, maybe it let them feel like they were in charge, well I let them feel like that for now.

I looked around it. The walls, floors and ceiling were all painted a dull grey colour like the clouds when they are about to release the load. The table and chairs were made of metal and there was one light dangling from the ceiling admitting the little bit of life it had left. A long time passed and yet I was still left alone. I looked behind me and there was a one-sided window. Me getting the reflection and them getting the view. I turn my head when I hear the scratching of metal on the floor's rough surface. Standing there was Jim and the captain. I roll my eyes and look at the table. To avoid Jim's hateful gaze that tries to claw into my soul and take revenge on me.

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