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Yongsun was repeatedly ringing the penthouse door bell. Slowly getting worried.

He wasn't answering the door. The only reason she could enter the building was because someone had been exiting right when she was standing in front of the entrance.
He hadn't replied to any of her messages either. 

It was weekend, meaning they would usually hang out. However, it seemed he had forgotten and wasn't home. 

Disappointed and a little sad, she turned around ready to leave. Hearing the door slowly opening then. "He-"
Seokjin couldn't even complete a word before frantically starting coughing. The girlturning around when hearing him. Brown eyes widening when seeing him standing there with tousled hair and a pale face. His eyes tired while he was wrapped in a blanket.
"Jinnie.. are you sick?"
He just nodded, trying to keep himself from another fit of coughing. Pulling the blanket closer. Going back inside, he left the door open for her to enter. His misery state explaining why he had been like vanished those past days.
"Oh no.. Is it a summer flu?"
He shook his head. "Just a cold," he whispered. Trying his best not to cough. He couldn't suprass some small coughs though as he sat down on the couch.
"That doesn't look like a simple cold though," she objected, a caring look on her eyes. He seemed so weak. Not at all like the guy she knew. It kind of broke her heart. She walked up to him then. Carefully brushing away the strands on his forehead, she placed her hand on it.

His skin was warm. More than warm. It was burning. "You're warm," she stated.
"You mean hot." A faint smirk on his lips. a small laugh escaping her lips. At least he hadn't lost his sense of humor. She shook her head then. "No, warm. As in you definitely have a fever." Seokjin coughed again. Looking at her with a weary smile. His cheeks pink from the temperature. "Then leave or you'll get sick as well."
Pursing her lips, she stared at him in silence.He was right. Then again, she would feel terrible leaving him on his own like that. 

And then she remembered how a few days prior there was a summer storm and they had come back all soaked. Only because of her and her dumb idea of getting cake.
Pursing her lips, she gulped. That must have been the reason he was now sitting in front of her in that state. Making her feeling even worse.
Despite his tall figure, he looked like a child that needed someone to take care of him. Or maybe that was just her motherly side and how she always took care of everyone around her. She was used to it. But in this case, it was also guilt.
"I'm not leaving," she said then, her voice almost demanding, "And you should go to bed."

Much to her surprise he didn't object. Mainly because he simply didn't have the energy to, having used up most of it when standing up and answering the door. However, also because he didn't want to be alone right now. He felt miserable and like dying. He didn't want to go through that alone.
So he quietly stood up and made his way to his bedroom. With the big blanket trailing behind him on the ground.
Yongsun sighed and left her bag on the couch. Looking around, she spotted some pill bottles and cough medicine. The pills were for colds, but they were obviously not affective enough. She went to the bathroom and started looking through the cabinets then. Not really being keen in snooping around, but she needed to see if he had any useful medicine around. After awhile she found some painkillers but nothing more. So she decided to go and buy some pills she knew were effective for sure.
"I'm taking your keys, okay? I'll be right back," she announced. Unsure whether he had actually heard her or not. Being rolled up in his bed like a sushi roll, eyes closed. He looked quite pieceful and cute she thought as she grabbed his keys from the sideboard and left.

The apartment fell back into silence. Assuming Yongsun wouldn't come back after all and leave him there to die alone, he fell asleep. Only to someone shaking him rather roughly. Forcefully waking him up.
He blinked an eye open. Seeing the girl with the long black waves kneeing next to his bed. Looking at him with a serious glare. "Jinnie, wake up!" she whined, "I bought you some medicine you need to take." Two yellow pills and a white one were laying in her open palm. A glass of water in the other. "Take them."

Slowly, he sat up. Feeling his body aching and shaking as soon as the covers slid off his shoulders. He took the pills from her hand and swallowed them down with the water. Emptying the whole glass, before going back to his previous position under the pile of blankets.
"You have to take another two of the yellow at night. I leave them here." He watched her placing more pills on his nightstand. Along with the package. "And tomorrow you'll have to take two yellow in the morning, two at noon and two in the evening. And the white one at noon. Got it? Or should I write it down?"
He mumbled a "got it", but it didn't really convince her. After setting another glass of water next to him, she also put the pack of white vitamine C pills next to it. Deciding to write down her instructions on a piece of paper she found on his desk. Being pretty sure he hadn't heard anything of what she had told him with his clouded mind. Placing it on the nightstand as well.

She glanced down at the sleeping guy then, biting down her bottom lip. He was sick and it was her fault. And yet, she couldn't help but find his sleeping self cute to look at. The way his long soft waves were gently falling on his closed eyes. His flushed puffy cheeks and red plum lips.
With a sigh she kneeled down again. Her fingers gently brushing a few streaks of hair from his eyes.
"Get well soon, Jinnie," she whispered then with a smile, "I'm sorry you have to go through this because of me." And with that she planted a light kiss on his forehead and left.


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