Chapter 35

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Bucky's enhanced hearing caught Gwen's rushed words and managed to translate what she actually said. He took a moment to figure out what she'd said. "Umm I thought all wolves did at some point..." he was clearly misunderstanding something.

"Alphas go into rut. Similar, but without the nasty painful cramps if they don't give in" she clarified. She was looking down and clearly uncomfortable.

"So there are male omegas?"

She nodded. "They're more rare, but there are. And alpha females,"

"Wonder what a male would go through? Do two omega's ever match up?" Bucky was curious about everything having to do with her.

"There's usually only one or two omegas per pack, the rest are alphas or betas. The alphas get first pick on wooing and mating the omegas, so it would be nearly unheard of for omegas to be together. And male omegas also go through heat. They're... I think the term is 'self lubricating' and get just as needy, even though they can't bear children,"

"Wow, that is not told of in the movies!" Bucky was shocked with all this new information. He clearly didn't know as much about the werewolves as he should, given that he was dating one.

She shook her head. "Of course not. No one wants to hear about that. Though you can find some romance books written by werewolves that include those kinds of things," she and Loki had gone scouting through the library to look through all the werewolf literature to see what was true and what wasn't.

Bucky hesitated, then asked what was really on his mind. "When were you going to mention going into heat? When is your next season to do that?" Those were important things to know, especially the last part.

"When I figured out how to tell you," she said shyly. "It's once a season, every three months, right after the full moon," she sighed and hesitated again. "I'm due next month," she admitted softly

"You don't go into it while a wolf?"

She shook her head. "I think some take wolf form during..." she shrugged "but it's not the day after the full moon, but the next"

"Well, I'm available, Steve already knows some things, thanks to Loki."

She jolted to looking up at him, downright horror in her eyes. "You told Steve???"

He raised his hands in defense. "No, Loki did. But said it was a wolf's PMS. Didn't give him any more details."

"Why would he do that when I hadn't even told you?" She asked, hurt and feeling betrayed, reaching for her tail to cuddle.

Bucky should have kept his mouth shut. He was pissed at himself. "I'm sorry. Loki was trying to help. I thought I was just supposed to buy you sugary and salty foods." He hung his head.

"You knew and didn't ask?" She'd been fretting and fretting about how to tell him and he already knew?!?. She hadn't thought he'd understand or accept it. She wasn't sure he'd help her through the three days of hell. "What did he say?" She asked, her hurt evident in her voice. Did he say how much of a horny mess she'd be? How much she'd hate what her body did without her wanting it to? Did he spill all her secrets? She never should've spent that afternoon in the library with him. Never should've trusted the god of mischief.

"Calm down, he didn't give much to go on. Sorry I said anything."

"So am I," she growled softly as the last thing any sane person in the known universe should ever say to an upset woman is 'calm down'. She stomped back over to the others, still upset and trying to cool her temper before she said or did something she'd regret

Bucky was silent unless spoken to the rest of the outing, knowing he'd fucked up with her and upset her.

Gwen tried to reengage with him during dinner, after they'd gotten the camping supplies and her emotions had cooled, but he was silent and sullen. She knew she'd fucked up when he wouldn't speak to her and would barely even look at her. She slipped silently up to her room as soon as they got back while the others told the rest of the guys about the outing, which had started out so well.

Bucky was in a foul mood. He took the stairs, but he wished he hadn't. He could only remember the night before, remember how upset Gwen had been and hated that he'd upset her.

"What'd you do this time?" asked Loki from beside him, back in his normal male form, materializing next to him and walking up the stairs beside him. Bucky didn't want to talk about her, not even to Loki. He was silent. Loki walked a flight of stairs with him, but respected his friend's wish for silence. "Very well, then," he said and let Bucky continue on alone.

Bucky was mad at himself. He thought that being available during her special time was being a good boyfriend. But he still screwed up. Even Loki thought he fucked up, or so Bucky assumed. Loki, however, just assumed he was male, foolish, and not used to being in a relationship after Hydra. Bucky got up to their, no his, room. He was hoping she'd be waiting for him, but he knew better. He walked in, it felt so empty without her. He sat on his bed, head in his hands.

Gwen was hiding in her own room, beating herself up. She shouldn't have said anything. She'd ruined everything by trying to tell him. She knew it was too good to be true.

Bucky was wondering if she was in her room. That form of thought made him sad. Would she even listen to him? What would he say? An apology, but what else? He got up to pace.

There was a soft tap on his door. Bucky thought it was his imagination, but went to the door to open it slowly.

There was a pathetically sad-looking wolf-girl on the other side, holding a brownie as a peace offering, her ears and tail drooped. "I'm sorry," she said softly, sorrow in her voice and tears in her eyes.

Bucky was surprised she was there and surprised that she was trying to apologize. "I'm sorry, you don't have to be. You don't have to apologize. I screwed up," Bucky stepped back to let her in so they could talk about this properly. He wouldn't keep her out in the hall.

She stepped into his room and Bucky felt some relief. Not all hope was lost.  

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