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Date created: 04/12/21

Date Finished: 04/13/21

Author's Notes: This chapter will be split into Sorano's and young Sukuna's pov. If you have not noticed with the previous chapters- I terribly suck at writing fight/training scenes.

Warnings: Mentions of triggering scenes such as violence, death, and possible gore.

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It broke Sorano's heart to leave Ryomen in the village. But he was sure to get hurt or possibly killed if she allowed him to come with her. She never thought of him leaving her side, but this was an important matter that she must do alone. She had great trust in Ms. Wu and the village. She just hoped that he would understand her reasoning.

A month had passed since she left him in the village. She still hasn't killed the curse. Her patience was running thin. Her anger was spiking by the day. Whoever this curse was, they were fast and stealthy. Never had she had so much trouble hunting down a curse?

She wanted to go back to Ryomen, to have him by her side again. But she wasn't going to stop until this curse and its horde were killed.

The curse must know that she was after it. She had not heard of any villages being attacked. So it was completely running without a stop. It valued its life greatly if it hadn't even taken one break. Sorano hasn't stopped either. It was a good thing that she was a curse. Seemed curses didn't need certain requirements as humans do.

But it would feel sure nice to be able to sit or even lay down. She has been running and walking for a month straight.  She knew she was close, but not close enough.

Each inch she took, the curse would take another. It was an endless game, it seemed, and she was growing tired of it. Currently, she was running up a mountain. Jumping from edge to edge until she reached the icy summit.

She swore the curses scent was coming from this direction. Its scent was still strong in the air. Sorano's sharp eyes darted around the summit but no sign of the curse or its minions. If it even had any left. That was one thing she was able to do. Kill off any that fell behind its master.

The scent was still fresh in the air as if it was here with her...a growl escapes her lips as she walked around. Still, no sight until her foot had touched something in the snow.

Slowly she reached down and brushed the snow away only to find a piece of the curse's arm. It knew of her scent of smell and drove her here. The fool tricked her!...well, that makes her the fool. But it couldn't be far ahead.

But the sheer thought of being tricked this far into the hunt outraged her beyond no bonds. A deep growl erupted from her throat. Her body was growing hot from rage. She needed to be faster, stronger to catch up to the curse.

She felt different as if her body was changing. She didn't care at the moment, though. Her rage blinded her. All she could see was red. She was so blinded that she didn't realize she was bigger? The ground seemed further down than before. She wanted to scream out into the howling wind, but nothing came out but an ear-piercing roar.

Now she was confused. Never had her voice sounded so....animalistic? It wasn't even a scream. A moment of calmness washed over her as she looked down at herself, screeching when she realized she was no longer...normal?

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