Chapter 12

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Front Line | Villan feat Moti

Daniel woke up better than he did. He got off the bed slowly and picked his bag. He smiled at the nurse who raised an eyebrow.

"Where are you going?"She asked him as he sheepishly frowned.

"Class. I feel better now."He told her as she hummed.

"Just let me check your temperature."

She walked to him as she pushed herself back as the chair rolled to the cabinet. She opened and took out a thermometer. She pushed herself back to the desk then checked his temperature.

"That's good. It's ninety-eight point two. Your good to go."She said smiling knowing she has now no one to take care of.

He nodded and bowed then left. He walked to class seeing the teacher wasn't visible. Daniel searched to see Zack talking as Mira ignored him. Jay was asleep on his desk.

"What are you standing there for?"He turned to see a male standing there glaring at him.

"Oh uh...sorry."He bowed and moved back for the male to walk in.

He was short but Daniel wasn't mean. He didn't care about anyone's body or their stupidity. The male liked people being kind and having a good personality. Zack is an acceptation.

"Daniel! You okay?"Mira asked once she saw him.

"Yeah. I'm good."He said as he walked to his desk slowly.

He sat on his chair and felt stared. Daniel looked down and felt small. Zack came by his desk as he turned to glare at his so-called classmates. He looked back down to notice how he looked.

"Dude next time just stay home when you're sick."Daniel looked up and pouted.

"I'm sorry for the trouble."He said as Jay put an arm around him.

Jay pushed his head to his shoulder. Mira and Zack glared at the male but Jay glared at Zack. Mira ruffled his hair with a smile to change up the mood.

"Don't be sorry. He's just kidding."Mira said elbowing his stomach Zack as she smiles.

"Anyways. Are feeling better? I thought you were getting worse."Mira asked trying to change up the conversation.

"I am okay now. I just want to stay in class."He mumbles looking down.

He looked up to see his classmates looking at him. He didn't like it. The three turned with glares that burned their souls. They freaked out and turned away quickly. They looked like devils with glowing eyes. It scared the hell out of them.

Daniel looked up at his friends to see them turning to him with a smile as Mira pinched Zack's side. Those two have a never-ending fight. They now fight with each other for no reason whatsoever.

"Tomorrow is the weekend what are you guys going to do?"Mira asked and Jay turned to Daniel.

"I'm going to walk my dog to the park and then probably get groceries since by today my mom will destroy the kitchen."He says with a smile.

"You have a dog?"Zack asked as Jay gulped.

"His name is Bear. He's fluffy and sweet. He likes to eat and sleep. I wish I could do that for the rest of my life."He pouted and Jay stared at him.

Jay's eyes glowed and smirked. He had the money that could allow Daniel to live a life like that. He wouldn't care if he wasted his money, only if it was for him. Jay knew he could do anything for him.

"Can I see how he looks like?"Mira asked as Zack glared at her.

Daniel nodded and took out his phone to show them his dog. "He's cute."

Zack peaked and smiled. Daniel was hugging Bear with a big smile on his face. Jay looked and his eyes widen. Mira gulped and turned to Daniel. He had the hoodie over his head and only his face was shown. She turned back to the photo then hugged him.

"You are too cute. We can't let anyone touch you. I'll crush them if they do. I'm warning you two."She said and glared at them.

Daniel got comfortable and put his arms around her waist slowly falling asleep. Mira looked down then looked at them with a smirk. Victory was hers for sure. They glared at her and others felt the floor rubble as fire burst through the air. They shivered.

"It's cold."

"Well yeah...the school put the air conditioner to probably negative one Celsius. I swear this bitch wants us to freeze to death."Zack said as Jay quickly covered the child's ear.


"So what! What are you going to do? Wanna fight."He asked and she let go making Daniel confused.

Jay pulled him into his arms to cover his eyes with his chest and ears with his hand. Daniel frowned and looked up at Jay who just smiled telling him to look down. Daniel sighed and hugged him since it was cold.

Mira walked closer to him then kneed him where no man can ever have kids again. He held his hands there and sat on his knees with a groan. He glared at her as she smirked.

"Wanna continue fighting."She asked and he snickered.

Jay opened his other bag and took out a warmer fluffier blanket. He held the male in his arms as Daniel felt warm already. He just liked how comfortable and safe he felt. Daniel turned to Mira and Zack who bickered like a married couple.

"Are they okay?"Daniel asked making their heads turn.

"Yeah...yeah, we are just talking,"Zack said as Jay uncovered his ears.

Daniel squinted his eyes noticing Zack in pain. "Do you need to pee? Why do you look like that?"

"No, I'm good."

"Okay..."He mumbles and turns away tiredly.

"This feels nice."He mumbles getting closer to Jay as the male blushed.

He started to fall asleep and the three look at him. Mira took a picture of him with a click as the two turned to stare at her. They heard her capture a picture. Zack glared as Jay asked for the picture. Yet again the bicker began with both Zack and Mira being stupid once more.

lmao i am probably going to update later in a bit but it will take a while.

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