Chapter 4

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Toward Tomorrow | H&D

Walking to school was a bull. He sat in his seat like usual but something didn't fit right. He groaned smack his head on his desk. He just left his head there then turned his head to see Mira.

"You alright there? You hit your head hard."She asked and he stared at her for a moment.

She doesn't seem bad, doesn't look like she could cause problems. She seems like a good person. Not even flaunting or making him feel uncomfortable. He noticed that she was the only girl who hasn't done anything like that yet. He just nodded his head then turned his head to the left to see Jay. He was annoyed and put his face in front of the desk.

"Guys! Check this out!"He heard but ignored.

"Yesterday Zack beat up a pig and..."

"It's a nude pic of a the piggy."He heard and looked up to see Zack with his arms crossed smirking.

'This is what Kwang meant by about people.' Daniel thought as he stared at the males laughing. Mira pouted annoying, she didn't like this at all. She looked at Daniel who stared at them. He didn't look unamused.

"Funny I see."He mumbles and leaned back to his chair to scoff.

"I see the enjoyment of bullying of fun but not being bullied, is it? What are you trying to do, flaunt over yourself to seem cooler? Powerful? Can't hold it to the fact that maybe what your doing could not only make you feel guilty later but for the person, you like to hate you?"He asked the male staring at him like a dead zombie.

"You wanna fight?"

"That only brings more trouble. The more fights, the more danger, I'm not into that stuff but we can watch. Put yourself in their shoes, what if someone did that to you but you couldn't fight. Wouldn't be surprised if you wanted to kill someone with that look on your face."He said and Zack stopped to stare at him.

"I don't like you Zack and just so you know. If I was friends with you, I would pity you and look at you in disgust."He said getting up to leave the class annoyed.

"WAIT!"He heard but he ignored it to continue to walk.

He felt someone follow him to see Mira. He stared at her and she smiled. She bowed and chuckled.

"Seems like your the only guy who doesn't do that. I am Mira."She held out a hand making him nod.

"Daniel...why are you here?"He asked and she put her hand in her pocket.

"I wanted to get away from that problem. Where are you going?"She asked and he pointed to the door.


She nodded and he turned confused but walked into the library. He walked to find the book and stopped. He felt a stare then turned to see Mira. She jumped and smiled at him.

"I...I wanted to ask if you can be friends with me. I think we would get along well."She said and he looked at her.

He sighed then nodded. She looked at the book and then quickly walked away. She came back and held out a different book. He frowned and took it. Daniel stared at it for a few minutes then read the back.

"This is thanks."He said and she hummed then walked with him to get it checked out.

He walked out with her as she talked about the different books excitedly. He listened and gave small comments too. She looked so happy, she was so happy. She never met someone like him before and noticed how he really was different. As in like the person in him. He seemed like he never went outside before.

Once they get into class she jumped in front of him and pretends to stab him. "She comes in and stabs her heart out then burns her head."

"Why though?"Daniel asked and Mira smirked.

"Well cause she killed her own husband and own her father. She ran after her friends and slit them off. Her last person was the enemy of her own and torched her until she felt happy."He blinked then nodded.

"Some say she was born as a sociopath but others say it's because of her past reflection."He hummed and he sat to her seat as he sat next to him.

"But what happens after she killed her enemy? Doesn't she kill herself of something?"Mira shook her head smiling.

"She kept her husbands, friends, enemies, and fathers body with her except their heads. She had tea parties with their heads and sold their organs as meat."He shivers in disgust.

"I know right and once she was bored and done, she went to make a new family to the same again. But she was never caught because she would peal her victim's skin and paste them to her face. I also heard she's ready for her next victim."She said in disgust and held her barf just as much as Daniel did.

"Well, I am not going to sleep tonight."He said and she chuckled.

"Watch her come like a goblin."

Zack watched as Mira had a conversation and smiling with Daniel. He noticed how fun Mira was having. He glared but then looked at Daniel with his unamused look. Why was his face always like that? He always wondered what was wrong with the kid.

He looked to see others watching them interact. They thought of Zack as their angel. Their god already. Jay already had in the beginning but Daniel was a god to them.

"Say you talk little. You should talk more. Your voice sounds amazing."He nodded and the bell rang.

It was too long but at least he made his first real friend. "I will give you my number after class. That way we can text more during this boring class."

He nodded again and saw that she went to her seat. He looked at the board and was already bored. He eventually went to sleep, face front to the desk making a smacking noise that sounded way too hard for anyone's liking.

"He dead...he dead."

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