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I was woken up by strange noises at around 4 in the morning. I turned to Josiah to see if he heard them too but then I saw that the sounds were coming from him.
They were small whimpering sounds like he was scared of something. Having a bad dream maybe. I got out of my bed and walked to his. I noticed his eyes were still closed and he was shaking. I put a hand on his head and ran my fingers through his hair a bit. He calmed down just a little.

The sounds were softer but he was still shaking so I thought I'd try something.

I climbed into his bed with him and laid on his chest then put an arm around him. The shaking seized and I looked up at him. I gently placed my hand on his face and moved his hair out of the way. It hurt me how Josiah thought he was ugly when it came to his features but I always thought he was beautiful. He had messy dark brown hair, tired green eyes, his lips were full and pink, and his smile made me shy.

I pulled myself closer to him and heard what became his soft breathing. I buried my face back into his chest, being smothered in how good he smelled, and went back to sleep.


When I woke up there were flashing lights and loud noises and I felt something around me. The tv was on and it played a loud and aggressive picture.

"Good morning, your highness." Jo said. I sat up and looked at him then back down and noticed it was his arm that was around me. I looked back up at him.

"I'm sorry!" I began and slid myself away from his arm.

I kneeled on the bed beside him while I tried to explain.
"You were just...I woke up and you-..."

He looked at me like I was confusing him. Which is understandable, I was confusing myself.

"You were having a nightmare...I'm pretty sure. I thought...and you were shaking...and I didn't want you to be scared. You only calmed down when I hugged you so I-...I'm sorry." I said as I started to get out of his bed. Before I could gain my balance on the floor my arm was yanked, a strange sound left my body, and I fell on top of him.

"I didn't say I wanted you to leave." he said and smiled slightly.

I didn't know what to say so we just stared at each other for a couple more seconds. Then I felt something poke underneath me. There's something in his pocket.

"Look, watch this movie with me." he demanded then readjusted me in the bed to comfortably face the tv.
"What is it?" I asked.
"Something about a dark knight. I only watch it for the joker."
"What's that?"
"What's what?" he questioned.
"The joker."
"Um...You know what? I'll let you watch and figure that out for yourself."
"Okay. Did you get underwear? I need to shower."
"No, my arms were in the middle of somethin'. I didn't wanna wake you." he explained.
I felt a rush of embarrassment.
"But we can go now." he offered.


I got up and brushed my teeth. When I finished we headed out of the door.

"We only have about $175 left, so make it count." he said as he stopped the car in front of a large building.

The store was huge and the door slid open on its own.
"Oh...thank you." I told it.

I annoyed Josi by constantly stepping in and out of the doorway to watch it move. He waited exhaustedly and I finally did it one last time before walking with him.

There were loads of people inside pushing large baskets with wheels or just carrying their goods with their hands.

"Do you wanna split up to grab everything or stay with me?" he asked.
"I think I can do it on my own." I claimed.
"Oh, look at you." he smiled. I watched him begin to look around the store. "When you're done, do you see that fitting room sign? We meet back under it. You hear me?"
I nodded my head in agreement.
"Good. Get what you need," he instructed.

We split up and I went to the sign that said 'women's' to get underwear. After that I explored the place to try and find sanitary napkins and wipes. I thought about everything else I might need in the future. Everything I used to have at home.
I grabbed floss, things for my hair, lotion...

When I assumed I had everything, I went back to the fitting room sign like he told me to.

After a while I became uncomfortable with standing in one spot with so many people walking around me so I left to look for Jo.
Roaming around amongst those people didn't seem that different except when you just stand in place. That's when people tend to stare at you while they wonder what you're doing.

I finally found him and he was looking at food.
Every time someone walked past him they'd examine him closely and I didn't know why. Mostly other women. They'd tap their friend's shoulder and look at Josi with their mouths agape. But he hadn't noticed, he was too busy reading the flavors on chips.

"Hi." I said when I finished my walk towards him.
"Hey, got everything?" he asked.
"Yea, did you?" I wondered.
"Yea, aaaaannnddd I got you a gift." he said with a smug smile.
He went through everything he was holding and took out two things.

A dog collar and leash.

"Oh..." I said and couldn't help but snicker.
"I'm hilarious, aren't I?" he asked and I laughed at him some more.

We left the aisle and went to what was called a 'self-checkout line'.

When we finished paying we took our things and headed to the car.


We got back to the motel and began organizing everything we bought.
"Where do you want this?" he asked as he held the sanitary napkins.
"Um, The bathroom cabinet is fine." I answered. He left the room to put them in the bathroom and I noticed the collar and leash on the table.

"I have a questi-..." he came back and saw me attaching the leash to the collar I'd put on.

He snickered. "What're you doin'?" he asked and leaned his shoulder on the wall, still facing me.

"I wanted to try it on." I answered and walked towards him.

He grabbed onto the bottom of the leash and looked at it.

"Comfortable?" he asked and I figured it was jokingly.

"Very." I laughed.

"Hm, well..." before he finished his sentence, he stood up straight and yanked the leash. It pulled me by my neck, and landed our faces only centimeters apart. "...I think I like it." he stated and his eyes trailed down to my lips.

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