Just A Little

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We made it inside and it didn't take long for Josiah to throw me onto the bed.

He went into his back pocket and pulled out the tiny knife.

"Are you gonna hurt me?" I asked softly.
A slow smile slid on his face. "Just a little." He flicked it open.
"If it hurts too badly, say the word 'lemon', so I know to stop."
I nodded.

His eyes travelled down me. I felt like I was prey.

"Leyla..." he called me.

"Can you...umm..." I began nervously and sat on my knees.
"Can I what?"
"Say one of the other ones..." I pleaded and avoided eye contact.
"Look at me when you beg."

I reluctantly lifted my eyes to meet his. They'd glance away occasionally but I'd bring them back.

"Now say it again." he instructed.
"Can you call me the other name?" I asked shyly.
He smirked. "Which one? I call you a lotta names."

I didn't know. I liked all of them. I just preferred them over him calling me my name. Even though I liked that too.

"Do you want me to call you 'baby'?" he asked.
I nodded. "Yes...please..." I always liked the way it sounded. He usually said it when I was clueless like one or upset but I've always enjoyed it, I believe I did because from what I've read, that's what couples call one another. I liked anything that made me think he liked me back.
"Do that again." he commanded.

I was confused. What did I do?

"Please...call me baby..." I repeated and hoped that was what he meant. I guess he hadn't heard me.

A hand quickly grabbed onto my jaw and pulled me to him. Our lips met and he kissed me hard. I was forced to lay down and the kiss didn't seize.

He finally separated our lips and grabbed onto my shirt. The knife in his hand was forced through it and he pulled it, tearing my shirt down the center until it no longer closed. My chest and stomach were revealed to him and he lowered his face to my bra and began kissing over the contents inside. I felt the cold blade of the knife slide down my waist.
He reached the waistband of my shorts and began pulling them down, kissing every inch of skin that was revealed to him.

The shorts were off and he stared between my legs.

"I can see your wet spot through your panties." he stated and his thumb began to glide over it. He looked at me and I quickly looked away.
"This isn't your first time and you're still shy?" I could hear the smile.

I felt his two fingers slide through the side of my panties and they were lifted and pulled away from me. I looked back at him only to see him looking down at it.
The knife came down fast and quickly sliced into the fabric and my heart jumped and raced. He looked back at me with a smirk on his face.

"Did I scare you?" he smiled and slid the blade a bit further down.

It was only a millimeter away from my flesh.
He pulled the blade out and his fingers slipped from underneath the fabric then went on top and slid into the hole he'd cut to gently slide over my entrance.
His face hovered above mine and our lips were centimeters apart.
"I make you this wet, baby?" he asked.

There was a certain feeling I got when he touched me or spoke to me in such a way. It resonated throughout my entire body, from my head to my feet. It made me ticklish. I wondered if he felt the same.

His hand left me and went to his shirt. He quickly pulled it off then pulled himself out from behind his sweatpants.

I began to worry again.

He pressed at the hole in my panties then took my legs and pinned them back before sliding himself inside.

A soft sound left me and he chuckled. "That felt good?" He stroked gently.

"We're gonna play a game." he stated and kissed my face softly.

"I'm gonna thrust inside of you in all the ways and speeds you like. And while I do that,"
I felt the knife begin to slide up the back of my thigh gently, like it was a dangerous tease.
"You'll never know when I'll dig this knife into your skin." he stated.
Our eyes locked.
"Got it?" he asked and pressed the blade a bit deeper but not enough to make a cut.
I nodded softly.

He slid in deeper and went to kissing my neck.

I moaned softly but nervously felt the knife against my flesh.

His thrusts were gentler than usual but I felt as good as I always did with him.
Suddenly, he did one hard thrust and I yelped of pleasure then felt the blade dig a vertical line into my skin and cut. I whimpered lightly but also moaned from his strokes. I didn't know what to feel but I did feel him chuckling against my neck.
He sat up and began thrusting faster.

I felt the knife dig into me again, except this time it was across. I winced and moaned as he watched himself do it like he was sketching a drawing.

"How do you feel, baby?" he asked as he gently slid the knife up my thigh and his other hand found my stomach.
"I-...I'm okay..." I answered with wet eyes. He liked it so I liked it too.
His head still faced my thigh but his eyes looked back at mine. "Good. You're doin' so good for me." he smirked.
Another incision. It felt like a half circle.

The knife was placed on my stomach and his hand grabbed onto my thigh. He stroked deeper and I moaned louder.
He took his hand away and showed it to me.
The letter 'J' was painted in a smudge of my blood on his hand.

"Ain't that pretty?"

I looked at it with the tears from both pain and pleasure gliding down my cheeks.
He held back onto both of my thighs and began thrusting roughly and quickly.

My moans couldn't keep up and my hand pressed against his abdomen.
He watched himself happily, in complete disregard for my palm's restraint. My eyes rolled back and I bit onto my lip.

"That's right. Cum for me. Show me how good I make this pretty pussy feel." he instructed and watched my face.
"Look at me!" he demanded aggressively and grabbed onto my face.

We held eye contact as I came.

"You're so pretty." he complimented and kept thrusting.


I woke up in the middle of the night with Josiah's arm around my body and him unconscious.

I got up to head to the bathroom.

When I made it, I saw my cheeks stained with tears and my face had a bit of dry blood painted onto my jaw where he gripped tightly earlier.

I quickly washed it off.

"Leyla..." I heard and looked out of the door.
Josiah was sitting up and looking at me.
"Come here, baby." he instructed.
I happily walked back to the bed and got in, we laid down and he held me close to him while wrapped in both arms. I felt a few kisses be gently placed onto my neck before I dozed back off.

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