Ferris Wheel

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Another day. Another chance to go somewhere I've never been.

We were in the car as Josi drove us to what he called 'a surprise'.

"Is it...umm...a club?!" I asked.
"I'm not taking you to a club. Ever." he answered.
"Why not?" I pouted.
"It ain't safe."
"But you'll be with me."
"Leyla, do you know how many people are even in clubs? You can't handle a diner full and you think you can handle a club? Clubs are probably the most crowded places on earth besides a fuckin' concert."
"What's a concert?"
"Don't worry about it."
I rolled my eyes and turned to face the window because I knew he was right. Apparently, clubs were really big, and I knew this, but I still wanted to know what the fuss was all about.

He pulled into a parking lot.

I saw large geometrical shapes and several other cars were parked around us.

"What is this?" I asked.
"This. Is what we common folk call 'an amusement park'." he stated proudly.
"Um...What's that?" I asked and pointed at one of the large statues. It was round and moved slowly.
"It's a Ferris wheel."
He laughed. "Yea, pretty girl. That's what a Ferris wheel is."
"It's much bigger than I expected."
"That's what she said." he mumbled.
"Nothin'. Come on."

We opened our doors and my ears were harassed by loud screaming that made me flinch.

"What's wrong?" Josi asked.
"Wh-...Why are they screaming? What happens in there?" I panicked.
He laughed lightly. "They're screamin' from happiness and excitement. I promise they ain't gettin' hurt."
I looked at another large sculpture that was just a big stick. I could see people sitting on seats around it at the very top. To my surprise, every seat went flying down at the speed of light and I couldn't see what happened because of the fence but I was terrified.

"Hey..." he called and I noticed he came and stood in front of me.
His fingers found my chin and lifted it to him.
"You know I wouldn't let nothin' hurt you, don't you?" he asked.
I nodded.
"I ain't breakin' that promise today. You're gonna be okay and you're gonna have fun." He gave me a soft kiss and I took his word for it.
"I promise I would never put you in harm's way, baby." he claimed.
I nodded again and he gave me one more peck on the lips before leading us off to the gate.

I looked past while Jo bought our tickets. Everything was huge. They had a long car on this giant snake like structure and it was really fast. There was another tall stick but it had seats attached to wires. I watched as everyone got on and buckled their seatbelts. It was starting and slowly began spinning around.
"Oh, that's slow enough, we should do that..." I thought aloud.
Suddenly, it began to speed up. The chairs were flying higher off of the ground. It grew even faster and the seats were even higher as all of its occupants began screaming.
My heart dropped.

"Ready?" Jo came up to me and asked then handed me my ticket.
The gate unlocked and we pushed through.

"Where do you wanna go first?" he asked.
I didn't want to play any games yet, they didn't look that interesting. So I tried to find the softest ride.

"The wheel, please." I stated.

We walked over and stood in line.

The last group was getting off.

"That's really high." I said as I looked up.
"How tall is it?" I asked.
"I don't know. I'm not a math genius. Or one'a those people that builds stuff."
"I guess 100 feet." I assumed.

The line began to move and we were next.

"Can I see your tickets?" The guy asked.
We showed ours and he read them closely.
The next pod lowered.
"You're free to go." he stated. 

We walked in and the door was closed. It was like being in an elevator.

We began to move so they could fill one more pod and I flinched at the moving floor.

"Hm...That bench looks big enough." Josiah observed.
"Yea, we can both sit on it." I stated.
"I was thinking more about fucking you on it." His hands held my waist and harshly pulled me back against him. His lips pressed against my ear.
"But...we're not home..." I reminded him.
"That's what makes it fun."

The ride began to move.

"You smell so good." he claimed and kissed the side of my face. The higher we went, the more inappropriately Josiah touched me.
His hand was now between my legs as he kissed up and down my neck.

I was scared to do it in public, but it makes him happy. So I guess if he wants it then...

He stopped?

He let me go and walked to the big window.

"Why?...Why'd you stop?" I asked and looked at the back of him.
"Because you don't want it."
I walked over to him. "No, it's okay! We still can!" I said and grabbed onto his arm.
"What're you insane?!" he yanked his arm back. "I'm not sleepin' with you if you don't want it, do you think I'm some kind of fuckin' creep?!"

I looked down at the floor.

I now felt bad that I didn't want it.

He took my face in both of his hands and lifted it to look at him.
"And it's okay that you don't want it. I'll just wait until you do."
I just nodded in agreement.
"Leyla...do you even know what rape is?"
"So then why did you..."
"But I gave you permission. It's consensual." I stated.
He let my face go.
"Alright. You're gettin' a new definition. Rape no longer only means no consent. Alright? It means if you don't want it and they still do it. If you do not want it and just say yes to not hurt their feelin's. You were raped. Simple as that. Because anyone can tell when and if the other person don't actually want it. If they keep goin' they're a fuckin' weirdo. You got me?"
"Good. I mean, it's not gonna happen anyway because I'm not lettin' you outta my sight ever. I'm the only person you're ever gonna sleep with."

I smiled at that sentence and held onto his hand.

"What?" he asked.
I hurriedly let his hand free. "I'm sorry...I just wanted-...I'm sorry..." I began my walk to sit on the bench.
He grabbed onto my hand and pulled me back. My back hit the window and he held both of my hands then slid them above my head and looked down at me.

"Don't leave. You like holdin' my hand, princess?" he smiled.

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