New Things

813 26 14

Rufus laid, eyes closed, on a reclined chair under an umbrella with his shirt unbuttoned and open. Josiah and I walked around and he asked me what I'd want to do.

I looked around at everyone running around and getting in line for different things.
Everything seemed like a good idea.
I don't think I'd ever been anywhere that seemed so happy and exciting before. I'm not usually eager for places, but this was making it hard for me to stand still.

It made me wonder how I'd take all of the other things that Josiah wrote about. Maybe a zoo would be fun. No, something about animals taken from their homes and locked away to be stared at felt too familiar. I didn't like it.
He did write something about the beach. Maybe we can try that one day.

Plus, everything we'd try we'd do together for the first time which made it even better. Josiah had seen it all but he didn't actually get to try a lot of it for himself. He was only able to look from afar because a lot of it costs money. Trying new things with Josiah seemed like the perfect way of living. Now I was excited all over again.

I was brought back to the present when I heard screaming then cheering and looked over at the giant slide. Someone came out of the bottom end and they seemed so happy as they crawled out.

"That." I stated.
"The giant slide? Really?"
"Yea." I nodded.
"Perfect. It's been callin' my name all day."
He pulled me over to where the line began.

It must be a lot of fun because the line was long to start.

"Is this park like the one you saw?" I asked Josi.
"No." he replied.
"The one I saw was so much bigger." he said cockily.
"Yea. They had like four slides. This one giant slide that was like the shape of a bowl. It had a roller coaster. A giant swimming pool. It was cool."
"Do you think we could go?"
"I don't even remember where that was, baby. Half of the time I thought I was in a completely different state than I actually was. And that was like at least five years ago."
"Oh..." I frowned.
"But...if we ever come across it, and I remember, I'll take you there. Or if Rufus is drivin' I'll make him turn into the parking lot and we'll go."
"I swear it."
"Okay." I smiled.

I heard something loud roaring on the outside of the park.

We'd gotten high enough that I could see pretty far and the sound was coming from the road.

"HOLY SHIT!" Josiah yelled happily.
"What?!" I wondered.
"That's it!" he stated. He pointed at a vehicle.
I looked. It was low to the ground and orange and black with thin white lights in the front. It made a lot of noise but it looked cool. It was strange that I couldn't see through the windows. They were dark for some reason. Also the metal things in the tires that were grey on other vehicles, were black on this one. It was stopped at a red light.
"What is it?" I asked and looked back at Josiah.
"It's a sports car." He smiled at me.
I stared back at the car in awe.
I remembered reading his excitement about these in his notes.

The light turned green and the vehicle roared and sped past all of the other cars. It went so fast, I practically blinked and it was gone.

"That was amazing..." I thought out loud.

"Next!" someone called.

I'd been too busy admiring the sports car to realize we'd been easing further and further up the entire time.
We were at the top and up next.

I followed behind Josiah and he went to the slide on the left.
So I took the one on the right.

"Wanna race?" he smiled.
I nodded as I smiled back.
"Yea!" I nodded.
I was so jittery with excitement and nervousness.

The End

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