Good To Me

978 35 3

I'd bought what I needed from the store with the money Jo left me with. Afterwards, I went to find him.

He had a handful of snacks in his hand when I met up with him.

I went with him so he could also check out then we walked back to the car.


"So what'd you get?" he asked as we pulled back into the motel's parking lot.
"Okay..." he snickered.

He parked and we got out of the car.

"Yea, they're really pretty too." I explained.
"Hm. You should show me." he said and unlocked then opened the door.
"Okay." I replied.
He looked at me strangely.
"What?" I asked.
"Yes? Did you not really want to see?" I wondered.
"I think we need to have a talk." he stated.
"Okay." I agreed.

He put the bag on the table where we set all the snacks. He started organizing them with his back facing me. While he fixed them up, I took my shirt off and the bra I was wearing. Then put on one of the new ones to show him.

"I need to teach you about sarcasm, flirtin', and sketchy people because those are all things you've shown me you don't understa-..." he turned around and looked at me.

"This is the first one." I explained to him.

"What? Is it bad?"

I felt a bit sad and embarrassed at the idea of him not liking it. I thought it was pretty.

"No. Not at all..."
"Then what? I have others." I explained and went through the bag.
"Sit down." he demanded and I sat down.

He just leaned against the table and looked at me.

"You're real stupid, you know that?"
"What'd I do now?" I asked sadly.
"Just 'cause I said it, don't mean do it!" he shouted and walked closer to me.
"You asked...! If you didn't want to see then you shouldn't have-..." I started shouting back at him but he put his lips on mine.

I felt his tongue slide over mine. He'd never done that before and while I was shocked, he seemed to enjoy it. So I let it happen. He spread my legs and put himself in between them. I was pulled by one, and it forced me to lay down as the kiss grew.
His hand threw my leg around his waist. But afterwards it left and went to mine.

He stopped and looked into my eyes. Our lips were only a centimeter apart.

"If you don't stop, this is gonna go in a different direction." he claimed.
I ignored his warning, not knowing what it meant, and kissed him again. I could feel his smile as he kissed me. His hand went up to my face, moved my head to the side, and he began kissing my neck. His hand slid back down to the waistband of my pants and slid in.
I fidgeted from surprise when his finger slid over my underwear between my legs and he stopped. He looked at me then down at his hand in my pants.
"Wh-...What?" I said nervously. I assumed something was wrong. I didn't even understand what he was looking for.
His lips slammed back against mine and he kissed me harder. His fingers continued sliding like before. I felt him bite my lower lip and he spoke in a low voice. "You're fuckin' drenched." he stated. I felt his fingers move my panties to the side as he kept rubbing.
He came back to my lips to kiss me.

He pulled out his fingers and brought them up to look at them.
"Look at what you did." he stated with eyes on them. They were wet. How had I caused it? What did I do?
"I'm sorry..." I said, embarrassed.
"Don't apologize. I just didn't know I turned you on this much." He smiled and sucked on the same finger that was just between my legs. 'What was that? Is he supposed to eat that?'
"You even taste good." he said. "Open your mouth." he demanded so I did it. "Tongue out." he instructed and I did it.
He smiled again and spit directly onto my tongue.
"Taste it." he stated. He licked up my tongue and kissed me again slower than before but just as eagerly.

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