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I did it.
I just finished the last bit of spaghetti on my plate.

Rufus and Josiah finished a while ago even though they had more but they still sat at the table with me and conversed as I ate and Josiah still held my hand.

I looked at my clean plate as I chewed.

"I did it..." I interrupted them.

They looked at my plate.

"WOOOOOOO!!!" the two shouted and I snickered after swallowing.
"LET'S FUCKIN' GOOOO!" Josiah shouted and I laughed.
"That's what I'm talkin' about, kiddo!" Rufus said and held his hand up. I high fived him.
Josiah pulled my face to him and kissed into my cheek several times as Rufus brought my plate to the sink. It made me giggle.

"How do you feel? Are you sick?" Jo asked me.
I shook my head. After finishing it, I felt good. I only felt sick while it was in my mouth.
"I'm okay." I answered.
"Okay." he smiled.


I showered and got ready for bed then waited for Josiah to finish his turn so he could come to bed too.

He came out of the hallway and approached the couch.

He sat down then pulled me into his lap before kissing my face and lips next.
I kissed him back as I held his face in my hands.
He went to my neck and his hands held my waist.

My hands went to the waistband of his pants.

"Woah..." he said quietly and looked down.
"What?" I asked.
"We can't do that."
"Why not?" I frowned.
"You don't have sex on someone else's couch."
"Ohh..." I removed my hands.
"Especially when there's a chance they could walk in and see you. Trust me, no one wants to hear two people goin' at it. They definitely don't wanna see it."
I nodded.
"Well except porn..."
"What's that?"
I nodded.
"It's like...videos of people fucking on the Internet."
My brows furrowed in confusion.
"People watch it." he added.
"I don't know. To jerk off I guess."
"What is that?"
"Jerking off?"
"Yea." I responded.
He sighed. "You're exhausting."

I crawled off of him and sat with my arms crossed.

"What?" he asked.
I didn't respond.
I was quiet.
He pulled me back into his lap and I just slid off again.
He sighed. "What'd I do now??"
"You don't like when I ask you questions."
"That ain't it." he stated.
I rolled my eyes.
"It's just so many questions about such basic shit that you'd expect anyone to know."
"Well, I don't know it!" I snapped and looked at him.

He just looked at the ceiling.

"How do you keep getting upset with me for not knowing things? I'm sorry I don't know. Unlike you I haven't had the opportunity to learn about it. I've spent about ten percent of my entire life outside of my home and you know this! So no I don't know a lot of things about the outside world and if you know it, maybe I want you to teach it to me! But if it bothers you so much I'll just stop asking."

I turned away from him and just sat in the fetal position to go to sleep.

I could hear him getting up.

I ignored it and just laid down all the way, facing the back of the couch.


I woke up and was surprised to realize that Josiah was still not on the couch.

He and Rufus weren't in the kitchen so I assumed they were outside again.

Something on the coffee table grabbed my attention.
It was about five sheets of paper, written on with very poor handwriting, and it was a bunch of random words or phrases and their meanings or definitions. Some things even had little drawings of what they were.

I took the paper and looked closer.
Reading the poorly spelled words but still grasping the definitions.

I realized what this was.

Josiah had written anything he could think of that he knew and I might not.
For the most part he was right. I'd never heard of a lot of these things. Like a zoo. Which sounded terrible.

I also thought it was very cute that he wrote the same way he spoke.

'Zoo: its like some place that has a bunsh a animels locked in cages for people to look at or sumthen'

I started reading through everything.

The front doors opened.

The men came in still talking about whatever their previous conversation they were speaking of outside contained, just like I thought they were.

"And now you know how to change oil." Rufus stated.
I looked at them and watched him wipe off his hands with a towel then hand it to Josiah.

I looked back at the papers.

"Mornin'." I heard Rufus's voice say.
"Good morning." I replied with my eyes still reading.
"What'cha got there, kiddo?" he asked me.
"Um...Notes." I answered.

I smiled when I finally learned what a sports car was. I only smiled because I could read his love for them in the words.

'Sports car: okay this one is cool. Its like a reguler car but fast as shit and uzu...uge...most of the time its low to the ground. They dont fit a lot a peple but its like its cool as fuck. I dont no I'll show you one one day'
I found a pen on the coffee table and underneath his definition I wrote 'usually' with a smiley face. His attempts at the word and the lines scratched over them were adorable.

"Well, we fixed up the truck. You two wanna go for a ride or somethin'?" Rufus asked.
"Yea." I said and looked up at him.
"Alright. I'm gonna go change clothes first." he stated and walked towards the hallway.

I got up and walked over to Josiah.

"How long did this take you?" I wondered.
"Few hours. Didn't know what you knew or didn't know and then I forgot what I knew and had to think hard as fuck."
I snickered.
"If I forgot somethin' can ask me." he stated.
"Are you sure?"
"Yea. I like when you ask me stuff. Gives me an excuse to talk to you." he smiled.
I smiled shyly to myself then looked back down at the notes.

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