Chapter Five

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Picture of Jayden^^


His eyes lite up when he talked about her. Honestly it was cute... I've never seen Colten this happy about a girl before, and he seemed really serious.

"Kiley, like oh my god, she was like fantastic at video games, like I can't," I chuckled at his little fanboying session and through popcorn at his face.

"Someone has an ultra, mega, extreme crush," Smirking, I muted the stupid TV show we were watching and pulled my blanket more up by my chin.

Colten smiled and put his hands over his face. He rubbed it a few times and then ran his fingers through his hair. Giving me the look, I have him it back.

"Admit it, you are whipped man," Giving him a cheeky grin I poked his nose once, then again. "Colten and Julianna sitting in a box, they are naked oh my gosh." *CREDIT TO MY BEST FRIEND HALLA, FOLLOW THE FUCK OUT OF HER H_a_l_l_a

Colten and I both start laughing, and he gives me the biggest smile ever. I watch him cross his arms and he sighs.

"She is amazing,"

He looks up into the distance as I fangirl to myself, I find this all cute. At first I didn't like Julianna. I felt like she was going to steal my best friend, but she texted me awhile ago, telling me that she really wants to get to know me and become friends.

I guess she isn't half bad.

"So, Ki, how are you and Jayden," Nudging my arm multiple times, I blush and shove handfuls of popcorn into my mouth, trying to avoid the conversation. But I knew Colten wasn't going to let me off the hook that easily.

"C'mon Kiley, tell me all about him," He winks and steals some of my popcorn. Rolling my eyes, I look up at the ceiling and groan.

"No laughing," I can tell he is smiling to himself, because we both know he will laugh at some point. "He is cool, I mean, we are going to hangout tomorrow at the lake down at moms. I pray to God that she isn't there."

Colten chuckles and huffs. "Hopefully she isn't down there in her birthday suit with a guy like that one time and they were--"

"Stop! Stop! Stop! Oh fricker balls Colten, no!" I rubbed my eyes trying to get the image out of my head. That was seriously the worst memory ever.

"I'm just stating facts," Looking at his pretty boy face, I took my pillow and hit him over the head with it multiple times.

"You're such a butt head," I took my pillow back and set it under my arm. Throwing some more popcorn in my mouth I lean my head back.

"Tired?" Colten asked. I see him check his phone and he shows it to me. It reads '3:50 A.M.'. Well that's fun.

"Yeah, I'm gonna go to bed."  I basically live at Colten's house, so I grab my pillow and blanket and head to the spare bedroom that I have made mine. I flick on the light and throw my stuff on the bed. Soon I hear Colten behind me, and it sounds like he is trying to wake up  the whole house.

"Can you walk any louder?" I say.

He scunches his nose at me.

"Funny, now goodnight, if you need me, you know where to find me," He wraps his arms around my neck and I wrap mine around his waist.

"Night, don't let the bed bugs bite," He kisses the top of my head and pushes me away jokingly. Seconds later he is gone.

I seriously couldn't be more blessed with a better best friend.

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