Chapter Four

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Picture of Julianna up there^^











She's perfect really.

All day and all night yesterday, we talked for hours straight. Before I knew it I was blocking people out because I was so concentrated in our conversations. She's seriously the coolest girl ever.

I would never tell Kiley though, she'd be pissed. Well, she already is because I was spending 'to much time' on my phone then I was with her. Supposedly I blew her off and it was really 'rude'.

Now, now, now, she's the one that blew me off for Jayden. Why can't I blow her off for Juilanna?

Girls, they confuse me.

Anyways, Julianna and I have a date today. Of course I just had to smooth her over with my charm and bam, we are swimming today at noon.

I tired to text Kiley to tell her, but no. She read every single one of them and never replied.

She must be on her period.

"Colten, down here, now!" I hear my dad yell. Gosh, what the hell now. I only have an half an hour to get ready.

Running down the stairs, I come face to face with a concerned father.

"Yeah?" I ask looking at him and then at my sister who had her little hand wrapped around his pinky finger.

"I need you to watch Cassy for the day, mom and I--"

My heart dropped and suddenly I found myself screaming.

"What? No! I have something really important to do today!" My dad shakes his head while grabbing his keys.

"Well, you'll have to postpone it. Your sister is a bigger responsibility," As much as I wanted to scream 'no she wasn't' I kept my mouth shut.

"Why can't we get a babysitter? They obviously are more experienced with kids then myself," If I had to lie to get out of this, that is what I was going to do.

"Colten, you are great with kids, and babysitters are over rated,"

What was that even supossed to mean?

"Dad, please hear me out," I gave him the LaBrant angel eyes and tilted my head to the left. He gave me 'the look' and lifted up Cassy, kissed her forehead, told her to be good for me and handed her over to me. Without hesitation he walked straight out the door.

"Fuck!" I screamed as the door shut. Cassy gasped.

"Cole! That naughty!" Rolling my eyes at her, I set her down on the couch and turn her favorite movie on that has been on for days.

"I'll be right back," I say as I run up stairs. Dashing into my bedroom where my phone lays, I grab it and click on Julianna's contact. Before I know it my fingers are typing as fast as a racing horse.

I really want to hangout today, wait, that makes me sound needy, but ugh, it's the truth. The thing is though, my dad just told me I have to watch my sister... :/ so I was wondering if she could come along or we can hang here? It doesn't matter, it's up to you, even if you still want to hang today.

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