Chapter Two

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Off she went to 'talk' to the new boy.  For some reason I felt jealously shoot through my body, but I ignored it.

Following Kiley shortly behind her I saw the boy look at both of us in the corner of his eye. He then did this smile thing and threw the football back in a perfect spirl to his brother.

We all knew he was trying to show off. And well, Kiley enjoyed every single second of it. I ran up next to her, and once I did, she waved down the new boy.

"Hey! Are you new around here?" Kiley wasn't shy. Especially when it came to new people.  The boy looked our way a smiled right at Kiley. Why of course he did, she was gorgeous.

This boy had brown swoopy hair. Pretty much like mine. Honestly he looked a lot like me, but he had some different physical features.

"Yes I am," Him and his brother walked over to us. The 'boy' was staring at Kiley, and his little brother, which looked about 10 was staring at me.

"I thought so! Well I'm Kiley and this is my best friend Colten," She pointed at me, and him and I did the 'bro' nod.

"Beautiful name,"

"Thanks," Both Kiley and I say in unsion. I knew he was talking to Kiley, but I just had to say it.

Both of them looked at me and chuckled. Even this guys little brother did.

"Sorry man, but I was talking about her, but don't get your panties in a bunch though, your name is beautiful too," He said it in a jokingly manner, but I scoffed anyways. I didn't like this guy already.

Kiley saw me roll my eyes and nudged me in the gut. I'm surprised she even saw me, It was pretty obvious that her eyes were never going to leave this boy.

"Anyways, my name is Jayden. I came from Minnesota, and this is my little brother Josh," So that's his name..

Before Kiley could say anything I couldn't help but ask the simplest question for guys.

"So, your favorite football team is the Vaginas-- I mean Vikings?" I hated the Vikings, and this kid was from Minnesota so I had to give him some crap back.

Jayden laughed and crossed his arms. He gave me a 'really' smile and shook his head no.

"Packers fan all the way," Right then and there I wished I never asked that question, because that's when Kiley began freaking out.

"Oh my goodness, really? Me too! My mom's friend, actually Colten's mom is from Wisconsin so we have went up there a couple times to Lambeau Field. Of course to watch the Packers kick ass. Well, my Jordy Nelson," She makes googly eyes while saying the famous Wide Receiver's name. I rolled my eyes again.

Soon the two of them were in this huge conversation about sports. If it was someone else, I would definitely be engaged into the conversation also, but they were talking about the Wisconsin Badgers right now and well, I could care less about the Wisconsin teams.

It's funny how she likes them, and I don't... I mean, it's my own mother. Whatever.

They kept speaking while Josh and I stood there awkwardly by their sides. I wanted to get the hell out of here, but I know this won't be the last time I will see his face. He lives across the street for Pete sakes.

It wouldn't surprise me either if he will go to our school once August drifts away and September rolls in. So that means I'd have to deal with this guy even more.

Honestly, I sound like an asshole right now, but I can sense that this guy isn't good. He's bad news. Plus, he made a terrible first impression.

So yeah, I'm standing here, 'listening' to the conversation that Kiley is having with this guy that we just met 5 minutes ago. Honestly, this is exactly how I wanted to spend my day. Note my sarcasm.

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