Chapter One

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Audrey always told Colten and I stories about us when we were little. It's crazy how something so stupid like that makes me smile so much. Even if it is a repeated story.

Her story telling was the best. Better then a Kindergarten teacher. She never missed a single detail, and that's what I loved about the stories. They made me imagine a little Colten and a little Kiley doing whatever. She was honestly the

"You two, I swear, were the most naughtiest kids ever," she began, "This one time..."


"Apple Juice Colten! Apple Juice!" I chanted standing next to him by the fridge. The little shirtless boy struggled to get the big bottle, but finally did. I watched him set it on the floor, along with my cup. Honestly, I thought it was the coolest thing ever.

He stuck out his tongue just a little in frustration, as he tried to open the bottle. Slowly, but surely he got it opened and my eyes widened as he lifted the bottle up and begin to poor.

It splashed a little on the floor, but it was no biggie. Then it happened... The bottle slipped out of Coltens hands and the Apple Juice went all over.

I screamed as it touched my toes and my tiny heart was beating quickly, afraid to get in trouble. My eyes darted to Coltens, I was terrified on what my mom was going to say. Then again I was mad that the Apple Juice was gone. All gone.

"Cole! What we do?" My voice shook. This was a very big mess. It spread... Everywhere.

"Lick it up like a dog!"

I was three years old and didn't know better. So I got down on my hands and knees. Both wet in the sticky mess and pushed my tongue to the floor.

~End of Flashback~

"You made me drink Apple Juice off my moms dirty stripper floor?!"

"Kiley!" Audrey laughs, but she know it was true also. Colten just sits there laughing his butt off, by the thought of me being a dog and barking once my mom showed up to the mess.

"You," he stops and laughs, "drank Apple, Apple Juice off of the floor," He was laughing so hard, that wrinkles started to form by his eyes.  Colten had the best laugh ever, when ever he laughed, I edventally began to laugh with him, or at him.

And right now, I was laughing with him.

"It's so unsanitary," I said pushing him a little. He was still laughing, but not as hard. Audrey sat there amused at the both of us. 

"I can't believe you didn't get an STD,"

"Colten Michael LaBrant!" Audrey shouts standing up, and shaking her head back and forth walking away from  their living room. Leaving Colten and I just sitting there chucking away.

"We should do something," Colten blurts out. I nod in agreement. It was summer time and two fourteen and well fifteen year olds couldn't just be cooped up in a house with nothing to do.

"Go for a walk?" I suggest. Usually when Colten and I went on walks, they were filled with loud screaming, laughing, and finding more people to hang with. Colten groaned and shook his head.

"I don't feel like it. How about we play some one on one basketball?" Is he serious? He knows how much I hate basketball.

"Cole, you know--"

"You suck and how terrible you are at it, yes, but I can teach you," Its legitimately the same conversation each time. This will end up with me on the pavement with skinned knees and elbows and Colten all serious and all sweaty.

It's a terrible time to be honest.

"I don't wanna," I whine throwing my head back. Without any heads up, Colten takes me by my feet and drags me off the couch. My butt hits the floor along with my head and I scream at him.

"Seriously? Your such a dick. Let go," Colten chuckles at me, but drags me through the living room and too the kitchen. As we got close to the door, I scream at him again.

"I can walk now," He let go, handing me his hand so he could help me up. As I stood to my feet, I brushed my butt off and my legs. Coleten rolled his eyes, but then opened the door for me.

"Wow, decided to be a gentleman for once, I see?" Colten nodded and made a gesture, but before I could get out the door, he pushed me out of the way.

"Sike, so long sucker,"

I should have known.

"Get back here, butthead," I scream, shuting the door behind me. As I caught up to him, I jumped on his back. Throwing my legs around his waist, we both giggled.

"Giddy up!" I yelled loudly. Honestly, the neighbors should be used to this. We were the crazy, loud kids on the block. Everyone knew of us.

As Colten began to gallup, my eyes landed on a unfamiliar guy. About my age, I'm guessing. Let me just say, he was hot.

Quickly jumping off his back, I shut Colten up by pointing at the boy.

"Is he new?" Obviously both of us have never seen him, because Colten shrugged.

"Never seen him in my life," We stared at the boy who was playing catch with his little brother, I'm guessing.

"Well, I don't know about you, but I'm gonna go get that boys number," 

Colten's jaw tighten as I walked away.

-Authors Note-

First chapter! Hope you like it!!




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