Chapter Eight

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I was right. Volleyball was fun.

Note my sarcasm.

I sat in the ER. My mom on one side of me, and Rider on the other. The doctor stood in front of me.

"It's not broken, but it is definitely fractured. What happened anways kiddo?" Dr. Brandy gave me a questioning look, but at the same time he looked concerned.

I looked down at the brace on my arm and started kicking my feet back and forth. My heart started to pound and my eyes started to sting with tears.

All the bad memories from Middle School flooded into my mind and my heart began to hurt.

"Kiley?" My mom said, resting her hand on my back. She didn't know what happened either. Rider witnessed it.. But its not like she understood why.

"I got tripped."


I never considered my life perfect. For some reason others did, which made my expectations for them a lot higher.
I'm a happy person. I get my moods, but doesn't everyone? It's not like I'm suicidal or cut or do any self harm.

Do I every think of harming myself? No. But at this moment, my life sucks completly and I want to die. I'm not going to try anything, but god, don't I want too.

I'm a better person than that. I'm a better person than them.

And in them I mean Kayla and Julianna.

Yes, they are the ones that pushed my down... Hard. I didn't trip, they didn't trip me, but they thought it was the best idea to push me.

What did I do to Julianna? Nothing. Basically the whole relationship that Colten and I have together as friends, she miss understands. I don't like Colten like that. Would I ever? No. Him and I are just best friends.

It isn't just her miss understanding our relationship... But it is Kayla telling her all this shit that isn't true and she is hating me because of it. I know Julianna is a wonderful person... But Kayla has a twisted mind and pretty much brained washed her.

To the dark side.

Thanks Kayla, for ruining my entire life.


I'm coming over right now.

I receive this text from Jayden right after I explain to him what all happened. Did I tell him the part about Julianna? No... I couldn't. That's his baby sister. Also I didn't know if he would believe me or not. All I said was, "Kayla pushed me and is out to get me" Along with telling him she fractured my forearm.

Anywho, Jayden is driving here, to my house, even though he only has his temps.

Let me just say... No guy would do that for me in a heartbeat. But Jayden, Jayden is so different on so many levels.

He's gorgeous.
He's nice.
He's well, amazing.
Helps me with anything.
Trys to make my day. Ha, whom I kidding, he doesn't have to try.
He's amazing at sports.
He's not a jerk.
He's simply just perfect.

Smiling just thinking about him, I walk over to my bedroom window and sit down on the little ledge to wait.

I lived out of town, in the country. It wasn't too far so he should be here any minute.

I watched some birds swoop down chasing each other, then I watched the ponds water ripple. I absolutely loved it out here. Even though I did spend most of my time at Coltens, this would always be my favorite house.

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