Chapter Thirteen

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Another day, another dollar. Speaking of dollars, today was the day I'd get the days back spent on Mr. Jayden Johnson.

Yes, this day was the day I'd break up with the douche bag. The gang and I made a plan on how I would. Even Julianna was in on this. I found it real funny. You must be a real dick if your sister is on your girlfriends, well soon to be ex girlfriends side.

To be completly honest, the only reason I really dated him was because he gave me attention. A lot of it. I liked that about him, and he was sweet and really handsome. Before him I really never had a legit boyfriend. I thought giving him a try would spring things up.

Well, it didn't, Jayden ended up using me for a bet. However though he completly failed at it. I find it funny because he stopped talking to me for those couple days. I don't know why, but he did.

Anyways we have a plan on how I'm gonna break up with him. And it is going to be in front of the whole school. Cruel, but he deserves it.

Today was Monday, a beautiful Monday actually because I got to walk to school with Colten. Okay, maybe I was crushing on him somewhat, but no one needs to know that.

Step by step we walk inside together. Him going to find Jayden, and myself walking to the principals office. Where my uncle sits next to the speaker.

Walking into the office I smile at the secretary, and walk straight into the principals office. Uncle Todd was sitting there, playing on his phone. Typical Todd.

He looked up at me then looked back down at his phone.

"Yes Kiley what do you need?" He asked in a normal voice. I found it funny because he knew I needed something.

Setting my backpack down, and my sports, I plopped down in the chair acrossed from him. I ran my finger along his dusty desk and then looked up at him. As fast as I could speak, I explained everything.

"So Jayden cheated on me, sorta kinda, not really, so I have to use the loud speaker and break up with him on there for pay back, so thanks Uncle Todd you are the best!" Before he could reply I grabbed the speaker, pushed the red button and without hesitation I spoke.

"Good morning Alabama, This is Kiley Cooper, with your today's information," My uncle shook his head, I can't believe he hasn't stopped me. My heart was beating out of my chest but I continued.

"Today for lunch we will be having everyone's Favorite, Chicken Nuggets and homemade Mac and Cheese," I grabbed the information paper and read some of that. Like, sports, weather and birthdays. Then the time came.

"Anyways, I hope you enjoyed my little surprise on this here's speaker. But before I go, I have a few words to say to my boyfriend Jayden Johnson!" Oh my lord I can't believe I'm doing this.

"Hey Jayden, I just wanted to say that you are a dirty little player that should move right back to Minnesota. The sh-- the crap that comes out of your mouth is the same thing that comes out of your as-- butt. Thanks for the couple weeks of nothing! Have fun getting with other girls! Good luck my friend!" I looked at my uncle and his eyes were as wide as mine. I, Kiley Cooper just did that. Holy shit.

"Have a great day everyone, here's Todd with the Pledge of Allegiance," Handing the phone off to My uncle, he chuckled. I think he enjoyed this. Gosh, I sure did.

Before I left, I staid for the Pledge of Allegiance. The smile on my face was bigger than ever. Literally.

Walking out of the office, Kids were looking at me in amazement. Some of them high fived me and others patted me of the back. Some older girls would stop me, and talk about what I have done and laughed with me. Honestly, it was one of the greatest Mondays of my life.

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