Chapter Sixteen

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Is anyone even reading this?


I don't know exactly how I felt last night. My fingers ran numb, my eyes were wet and my heart was beating out of my chest. All I could think about was losing the two most Important people in the world. Colten and Cassy.

As much as I want Cassandra to Improve in her health, I don't want Colten to struggle with his. Him going through with this is the biggest thing a person could ever do. Having two kidneys then giving one to someone you love... Makes my heart warm up with joy. Literally is the sweetest thing ever. It does make me feel good, but there's so many negatives that are bringing me down.

My biggest fear is that once they both go through with this surgery that both will... Will... I can't even process it through my head. These LaBrants must make it through this.



"Honestly, Colten is one of the healthiest boy that I have examined so far. He is perfect for this. With him having healthy Kidneys, He will be fine. I just know it Mrs. LaBrant," I sat on the surgery bed, dressed in one of those hospital robs. My mom and the doctor talked back and forth which seemed never ending. Must of been my nerves.

Everything that was happening hasn't really processed. My sister almost dying, and now this surgery I decided to under go... This just doesn't happen out of nowhere, but it has.

In about thirty minutes I'll be going into the surgery.

And there is this slightest possible I will never be able to come back.

And if I don't, the love of my life will never know how much I love her.

I'm brought out of my thought by the voice of my mom.

"Cole, I'll be in the other room. And once this is over, I'll be right back by your side. I love you sweetie. You are the strongest boy alive," As she leans down and kisses my cheek, a single tear rolls down my face.

I was scared.

"Tell Cass I love her to fucking pieces. And I love you to mom. I do."

Right before my mom can break down again, she walks out of the room quickly. Leaving me with Dr. Sholts.


"What if my you get pulled over? Fuck, Rider this is so illegal," On the edge of Rider's car seat I shook like a mad man. Alex had the brightest idea to go down and see Colten... And well, Rider is the only one that can drive... So here Rider, Alex, Julianna and I sit.

"Kiley, calm the fuck down Rider is 16. She has her license. She is a good driver. Process that through your head young one," Alex leans on the middle console talking to me. You could say I was fine now... I mean my feelings were still shook up but being with these three idiots made me happier.

"Dude this is illegal! Illegal! Are you stupid? We are gonna get fined. Rider will lose her license. My perfect record will be ruined--" Everyone shut me up by screaming "We are here."

As I turned my head a very large building appeared in front of my eyes. My heart pounded in excitement to see my other family. I needed to see Colten.

Rider turned into the parking garage, of course we had to pay for a spot. She inserted the money and once the bar blocking our way in lifted, she found the closet spot to the near by doors. In seconds as the car stopped we all sprinted to the doors of the hospital.

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