Chapter Twenty

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I was in love with Colten LaBrant, there was no denying that. But I'm so pissed off at him because he's so perfect and this could ruin our friendship.

My back was still facing away from him and my head was in between my legs. I stopped crying a few minutes ago when he said those beautiful words. All I wanted to do was turn around and kiss him so many times that his lips would fall off. This isn't fair.

"How did you do it," I finally found the right words. I wanted to talk to him. I did, but right now it was so awkward. That kind of awkward where you just wanna scream.

"How did I do what?" His hot breath tickled the hairs on my neck. It was strangely attractive, but I had to keep my mind off him.

But how could I? Slowly I raised my head and wiped my tears away. My makeup was probably smeared acrossed my whole face, but I didn't care at this point. I pushed my hair back, knotted by tears. Instantly I was washed with insecurities. Colten can't see me like this.

"Kiley," my name rolled off his tongue so smoothly. Why is everything he does so perfect now? Fuck feelings.

But gosh I love him.

This time, I did turn around. My eyes landed on his phone next to him. Even if I was forced to look him in the eyes I wouldn't be able too. My heart began to beat and beat and beat. Louder, harder, insanely fast. Until, I blurted it out.

"Make me fall in love with you," I took a deep breath, "How did you make me fall in love with you?"

I wish I would of been able to see his reaction, but looking at him right now is too nerve racking.

I'm happy I didn't though, because I was in for one incredible surprise.

Colten grabbed my wet, tear stained face and pulled me in so close that his sent was burning my nose. My eyes met his, and with one wink his lips were covering mine once again.

This time I didn't hesitate to kiss back. My hands were in his hair in one quick snap. Deep down I've been wanting this for so long. It didn't matter if our friendship was going to be ruin. That was the least of my worries right now. Kissing Colten took my mind on this crazy filled route full of happiness. I needed this, I needed this everyday.

I was the first to pull away. The lack of air, mixed with crying gave me a huge headache. Plus, I was tired, but Colten kept me wide awake. After about a minute, my eyes found his green ones. Looking at him, I couldn't help but smile.

And he smiled back just as wide.

This is scary, but it's going to be worth it.


I woke up to an arm wrapped around my waist and SpongeBob blaring on Tv. My vision was blurry, and my eyes kept falling. I was really tired, but I needed to know the time. Without opening up my eyes I moved my hand from my side and bounced it around on the ground until I felt a rectangular object. Wrapping my fingers around it, I pulled it close to my face and opened my eyes.

The clock read 4:36 p.m.

Holy shit.

This means... Our parents would of saw us... Cuddling.

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