Chapter Fifteen

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Cassandra, Colten's little sister has had a big history with being in the hospital. For being so young, it makes this situation she is in even worse.

Casey was born premature and way underweight, obviously. She has had kidney failure in the past and this was just another wonderful one that this poor little girl had to go through.

The four of us, Clay, Audrey, Colten and I have been sitting outside the room where Cassy has been under construction. Everyone was a wreck. This hasn't happen to her since she turned one. How could horrible things happen to wonderful people? Audrey was crying. She tried to muffle out the sounds with her hands, but she couldn't. She was crying way to hard actually. Clay held her protectively in her arms. He was whispering in her ear and humming. He was trying to stay strong... For her, he struggled though.

Then there was Colten. His knee bounced literally a million feet high in the air. His head was in his hands. My hand rested against his back, rubbing circles all around. And myself? I sat there... Comforting Colten. I know Cassy isn't related to me at all... But she is basically my sister and I wasn't taking this good whatsoever either.

It felt like days until the doctor came out with news for us. I knew in my heart though none of us where ready for this.

Cassandra was diagnosed with kidney cancer at the age of Five. Unusual, but the tumor grew larger and larger.

I think today was the worst day of our lives. Unbelievable, sad, and just plan out shitty.

Cassy needed help... Fast.


"So no Colten again?" Alex asked me as she slammed her locker. She moved her books from one arm to another so she could pull out her phone and I'm guessing text someone. It didn't bother me at all because all I had on my mind was Cassy and Colten.

My chest hurt. It hurt from crying these past couple nights. The LaBrants have been staying at a hotel near the Hospital which Cassy was at. I wouldn't blame them... Their baby girl was in a bad condition. Colten also has been down there. He has missed a total of three days and those past three days have been hell for me.

I didn't know how I felt. He hasn't been answering my texts. The only contact I had was when my mom would give me updates from texts Audrey would send to her. Cassy has been under many tests. And by the last few texts Audrey has sent it sounded like Cassy needed a new kidney. Which just blew my mind away. This poor girl. How can something so terrible happen to a sweet little girl like her?

The thing is though.... As bad as it sounds... I was more worked up about Colten. I love this kid and I still haven't got the chance to tell him. What if this was a sign? What if I shouldn't tell him? What do I fucking do.

I wanted to cry. I wanted to ball my eyes and out. The thing is... I couldn't. My tears were all dried up.

"No Colten," I closed my eyes, just thinking of him my heart broke. How could someone have so much control over my feelings?


"Kiley? Are you okay?" Rider rested her hand on the small of my back., her head tilted looking at me. Cheerleading practice had just began which meant basketball season has begun for the guys. Colten would be here... But he's not.

I didn't answer her right away. I just focused on the bracelet Colten got me a year ago for my birthday. Everything just lead right back to him.


I took a deep breathe. Then I just broke down. I broke down in front of the whole cheerleading squad. Everyone ran towards me, of course they did I knew they would of. The thing was though... I just couldn't hold back those tears anymore. Letting everything come out, I couldn't stop. My head was spinning, my chest ached, I gasped for breathe every two seconds. What was happening to me?

"Calm down Kiley."

"What happened Rider?"

"Guess don't worry about it we need to help her up and get her to the bathroom."

"I bet it's Colten," and as I heard someone whisper that I took a deep breathe in and my mind went blank.


I fainted. I fainted from all the stress. It was utter bullshit to be honest. Why was I acting like this? So what if Colten wasn't answering me... I'm the least of his worries right now. I'm blowing everything out of proportion. I am also making me everything about me.

Laying in my bed, I sipped on my water. I had the biggest headache. My chest felt like it was caving in and my feelings and thoughts were stabbing me all over. I guess you could say I was mentally and physically unstable.

It's crazy how all of your feelings can just build and build up on top of eachother and crush you like a bug just like that.

It sucks.

Alex walked in with a bag of Subway. There was one footlong, a bag of chips and a cookie.  She handed me the chips and one half of the footlong. I nodded thanking her and say up in my bed. She took a seat on the window seat and began to eat.

"How you feeling?" She questioned with a mouth full of sub. Shrugging I took a bite myself.

I checked my phone. Thinking that I'd have some text message from Colten telling me how he was sorry and that he was just under a lot of stress and needed time. I didn't though. But I did have one from Audrey.

Hey sweetie. Your mother told me what all happened. I hope you feel better! It's going better up here... We are in good hands and we, well Cassandra is, going through the kidney transplant surgery. And since it had to be someone blood related to give her the new kidney.... Colten is.  Keep us in your prayers. We have two little brave soldiers. Keep in touch, love Audrey.

-Authors Note-


Story isn't over.

Please don't be mad.

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