Chapter Twenty Three

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It was a girls day. Rider, Alex, Julianna and I. All of us girls were at Rider's house since Alex locked herself out of the house and her mom was at work and also because we all hate Jayden. Even Julianna hates Jayden and that is her own flesh and blood brother.

Jayden is an asshole and everyone knows it. That is why he is doing classes online and not coming to school. Sucks to be him, not.

We all sat in Riders basement. It was a finished one, but there were a lot of boxes down here. There's so many boxes we could build a castle.

"I love how people always say when friends hangout all they do is go on their phones," Alex said, shoving a chip into her mouth while staring blankly at her phone.

The rest of us did the same thing.

"Its completly unture and I think whoever said that statement can eat shit," Julianna also didn't look up from her phone, but still managed to keep a conversation going.

"Literally same though because there's nothing to talk about right now and we deserve to be on our phones," I added, scrolling more deep into my Instagram feed. I was too deep to look up now.

"We've had a hard as fuck day today. We walked to Taco Bell then walked over to Starbucks than walked back here. This is like our prize," For a second I looked next to me at Rider who said that. She was right. This whole entire day we have been off our phones and doing active fun activities.

I honestly hate people who discriminate phones.

"Yes! All day we did hardcore parkour. Fuck everyone." I said while exiting out of Instagram and clearing my tabs. Riders WiFi sucked in the basement and I needed my data to last me this month.

"Thank you Kiley," Julianna said, motioning her hand in a praising way. I found it funny and laughed.

Throwing my legs up over Rider's lap I click on my messages. I felt bad for not texting Colten all day and I just needed too.


Obviously I wasn't friend zoning him. Colten knows I am like madly in love with him and I know he's like madly in love with me. But he will always be my nigga.

Seconds later my phone beeped three times. Everyone's heads snapped at me just like that, making me give off a creeped facial expression.

"What?" I asked.

"You should go to Coltens house," Alex said sending me a smirk. Julianna who was next to her nodded vigorously. Rider just held her mouth shut, wide eyed.

They were all acting so suspicious that it wasn't even funny. I decided not to pay any attention to them and just read and reply to Colten.

Can you come over pleaseeeee.

I stared at the message for awhile. There was no 'Hey Bitch' or 'Hey Fam'. All it was, was 'can you come over please'. What does this mean? Did something happen?

Thinking of many possible situations I stand up quickly. I didn't want to waste any time in case if it was an emergency. All the girls still had a funny look on there faces before I headed for the stairs.

"Sorry got to go! Text you guys later!" I called down once I got half way up the wooden stairs. Before I shut the door behind me I barley heard someone say, 'She's so cute. This is going to be awesome," I didn't care what this meant. All I needed to do was see Colten.

Riders parents weren't home, so I ran through her big house and to the front door. Slamming it without worrying I ran down the steps and down her driveway.

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